Fury bristled as his foe spoke to him, though to the man his words had one meaning, to the Dreamer they had another. Skallagrim was worthy of the Ascended’s ire, more specifically the hatred of Kaelin, all which had passed before had led to this. The Void had been destroyed in its infancy, but from the ashes The Fury was born, and it would achieve Kaelin’s ultimate goal, the death of the Dreamer. To Fury, Skallagrim seemed to be speaking with something beyond him, for a moment his thoughts flashed to the Void, a presence he knew only too well. There was something off though, and it unsettled him a moment, causing him to momentarily pause, the plasma writhing in his grip before him as the changes overcame the planet. The Fireen knew a moment of doubt, and the Void raged within him straining to throttle the life from the Dreamer, how it dared fight his vessel with mere words it could not guess. “What are you talking about? This is between you and me Skallagrim, you took everything from me!” Fury roared out his defiance, his mind re-asserting what it knew above that which it was starting to guess. With this re-affirmation of his belief came with it a strength of purpose that flooded his system, with the only emotion the Void could fully understand. Fury. There was some form of energy lattice-work between him and his enemy, but it would matter not. As the plasma writhed in its telekentic prison he fed it with stolen power stored within the World Machine, causing it to glow painfully before his eyes. While Skallagrim worked on the macro-scale, Fury’s concentration on the micro could grant him an edge. One he planned to use in that frontal fashion which was characteristic of the Fireen. He burst forward, energy induced flight driving him towards the mesh as he thrust his right arm forward, the effect of which saw the blade come about in something akin to a long sword lunge. The blade would easily pierce the lattice-work, bringing him to a momentary halt as he observed the effect his attack had upon Skallagrim’s designs. If he broke through, it would only be a matter of moments before he was upon the Dreamer himself.