[b]Djarkel[/b] Important City: Capital New Sanguine This place sits miles from the five mountains, each named after the four Angels of Death, which are magically created to mimic the four lakes of Eania. Its old capital, Old Sanguine, was strictly confined to the peninsula until after the Black Wars of 1312. Like in Eania, there are temples and sacrificial alters for their Patron god Gaurot as well as a yearly Night Feast which happens during the winter solstice. Most dominate bloods accepted here is Binding and Black, through there are still some diversities from other areas from any race dwelling within its walls, including Vampires. Landscape: The land is slowly rotting and cursed thanks to the many curses and enchantments laid upon it over the years. Bound creatures wander the lands seeking an existence or blood while land is dying, leaving nothing but charred tree skeletons, cracked and splitting rough terrain and overcast skies that create a gloomy setting. Culture: A Kingdom that is made of Barons which reside over sections of land, renting them out to be farmed, lived, mined and more to people willing to serve them. The military is composed of ‘Warlocks’, elitist battle mages from every blood and claimed to be best of the best within Djarkel. Note: Djarkel and Eania are important Political powers among Tiien. They have been in eternal conflict and are currently mortal enemies since the 1312 war. In recent times, their quarrel has slightly subsided from the strength of the past and edging, thanks to Twilight College’s Archmage, for a temporary truce.