[center][h3][color=a36209]Vincent Gulfus[/color][/h3][/center] Vincent's mind had been teetering on the brink of insanity in fear. for what seemed like a few moments when he had asked the question was brought back. To something that would at a glance would be stressful and would ruin his chances of living it down but it was a French custom. a light kiss on both cheeks signified someone as a friend. While that did put Vincent's doubt at rest. It was still way to far out of the blue for the culture he was in, but the French guy was a friend so he would let it slide. Might need to remind Zacharie not to do it again but otherwise it was a helpful greeting for reasserting Vincent's view of the situation. [color=a36209]"Okay so after that happened"[/color] Vincent said a little slow trying to find method in his words as his eyes seemed to be glanced off into space at what his mother would do to him. if she didn't know the situation. No matter its not like a camera was recording that little mishap of culture. [color=a36209]"I am glad to be friends with you Zacharie. Just a word of advice though, some people may react adversely to that greeting, due to the difference of culture here to what you are used to."[/color] Vincent explained pausing to think whom else he could try and make friends with. The blue haired girl seemed like a likely candidate but also she was kinda pissed at him for no reason what so ever, everyone else seemed to be busy in their own little worlds so far. Vincent would have his work cut out for him but it would be worth it in the end. [color=a36209]"So Zacharie what courses did you end up taking"[/color] Vincent asked quizzically wondering if they picked similar things. He had ended up going for standard summoning/ Standard duelling. Call him plain but if you master those then the other methods would become easier in the long term. He would become a force to be reckoned with. He and this new archetype which was like fate would become stronger then any other person in the school, Vincent knew this was a impossible dream but a goal was a goal and he would hopefully get there... hopefully. Vincent stared off into space again his head cocked at a 20 degree angle as if he was contemplating reality. His mind adrift with ablaze new possibility's of what to do with his deck.