Variel blinked at Roze with some curiosity as she ensued her telephone conversation. What a strange contraption it was to be able to speak to someone else who was not in your present location. But Angels simply did this telepathically to one another. And to any human they shared a bond with, no doubt. “Well that is what I am here to determine..” Variel responded to Roze's question. “Even the Angels do not know why you were pulled out of Hell with Dean Winchester, and that could spell trouble in the events of the timeline. Castiel kin yet I have never met him. Perhaps he may be the person from whom we seek the answers?” Her train of thought was interrupted by the oncoming of another mortal stranger. [b][i]"Hey Rozie-" "-do I need to be shooting at Lizzie Bennett over here or we good?" [/i][/b] “Lizzie Bennett??” Variel asked with a light, airy tone that befit an innocent and curious sheltered Disney princess that walked straight out of a fairytale. “I really mean you no harm, Miss.” The Angelic looking woman simply expressed with a kindness in her eyes and an aura of tranquility that was hard to feel angry or upset around. “Or to your friend 'Rozie' here. I was also sent to protect you from the evils of this world. And I am prepared to do whatever it takes to gain your trust.” With that Variel finally knelt to the two young women, her long brown wavy locks cascaded over her shoulders and dropped nearly to the floor and majestically swayed in the breeze. Hopefully this showed her fealty toward the mortals. However, she felt it was a long journey ahead to find these answers all of them sorely needed. If she were in Knights Armour she could almost be a Knight of the Round Table pledging their servitude and unwavering loyalty unto King Arthur himself. And when she rose once more she addressed them both politely holding her hands together in front of her skirt. "I believe you were both venturing somewhere mysterious, ne?" She asked with a slight mischievous tone. One that could almost be mistaken for a Gabriel trait. A regular human wouldn't know of that either. Not that she was trying to read their minds. The information just flowed into her head from out of the Aether. "Something to do with a letter? Maybe it contains a clue on why Roze was saved from Hell?" She suggested insight-fully with a kind smile. And if it were indeed a dangerous situation they were walking into, it was better to have an Angel's protection than relying on mortal weapons that would do no good against a horde of demons.