100 after the death of the Quincy Blood War, the Gotei 13 is in disarray, with no clear leaders and everyone still trying the fix the destruction from the battle peole will have to start to step forward and become leaders. He only remaing suviors from the was are Captain Ichigo Kurosaki of the Squad 13th and Captain Shinji Hirako of the Squad 5th. Everyone else is dead or missing, and the Soul Society is in shambles and instead of squads there are just rag tag groups taking orders from the two standing divisions left. The Centeral 46 is just now getting reorganized and will start to name new captians and a captian-commander. The status of the Soul Kings palace and the Soul King himself are unknown, the only thing that is known is that the royal guard closed off all access to the palace. The Wandenreich are no different. With Yhwach gone, and the Sternritter scattered to the wind they had to run. Jugram Haschwalth is now the Emperor but no one knows how he obtained the Letter "A". Due to the previous war the "Shadow Realm" no longer exist and now all the remaining quincys returned to Lichtreich. The Epithet have been scattered and Haschwalth has called them forth to being the "Wiedergeburt" or rebirth of Wandenreich. Despite the conditions they are in the quincys have kept their hold on Hueco Mundo and still use Arrancar to fill their ranks. But in a mass of confusion and hard times a new threat has arisen from the depths of hell. This group known as the Hell Guard has appeared with the purpose to set the "balance" back in order. Their leader who's goes by Beelzebub has ordered a "cleansing of the old and fallen". This group has started to kill off Shinigami and Quincy alike whenever they go outside of the territorial lines. No one knows what their plan is or if they pose any real threat, but with new leaders and a possible alliance the world might seem brighter. [hider=Soul Reaper Character Sheet] [center] [h2]Insert Name Here[/h2] Appearance: (A picture or description will do or both, anime or drawing only for the picture though.) Race:Soul Birthday: (the day and moth only.) Age: (nothing over 600 years unless your character requies it) Gender: (male or female) Height: Weight: Personality:(A good chunk explaining how your character acts, what he or she does in battle and maybe some dynamics they have.) Biography:(One paragraph explaining them before the death of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto and another expaling what they did after the attck and how they recovered after the new soul king was resealed. But you can write more I like to read. Also any reason non-captain players would have Bankai, or why the character has some weird and unknown power would be put here.) [h3][b]Stats[/b][/h3] Affiliation:(What organizations are they affiliated with?) Profession:Shinigami Current Position:(What seat do they hold?) Current Division:(What Division are they in?) Relationships:(At least three different relationships with other characters in the rp.) Kidō and Shunpo:(Do they know any? If so which ones?) [hider=Zanpakutō] [center] Appearance:(What does the sword look like?) Name:(A Japanese name and make sure it has some kind of meaning that relates to the overall Zanpakutō.) Release Command:(What does your character say or do to awaken the Shikai?) Shikai Appearance:(Description or picture will km do here, just make sure description is detailed.) Shikai Ability:(What does your Shikai do? Go as far in depth as you like but I do need: Any special moves, and overall ability explanation.) Bankai Release Command: Bankai Appearance:(For captians and accepted characters only.) Bankai Ability:(For captains and accepted characters only.) Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance:(This is optional. I just thought it would be cool.) Zanpakutō Spirit Personality:(If you do decide to do the spirit appearance the please give a few sentences explaining how the Zanpakutō acts.) [/center] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Quincy Character Sheet] [center] [h2]Insert Name Here[/h2] Appearance: (A picture or description will do or both, anime or drawing only for the picture though.) Race: Quincy Birthday:(the day and moth only.) Age:(nothing over 600 years unless your character requies it) Gender: (male or female) Height: Weight: Personality:(A good chunk explaining how your character acts, what he or she does in battle and maybe some dynamics they have.) Biography:(Some good history about your character before and after the fall of Wandenreich. What were they doing? Who is their family? If they have a Epithet please share how they got it here.) [h3][b]Stats[/b][/h3] Affiliation:(What organizations are they affiliated with?) Current Position:(What rank are they?) Current Team:(What team do they belong to?) Abilities:(If a co-gm or myself think the abilities of your character are out of the question they must be removed.) [hider=Spiritual Weapon] [center] Spiritual Weapon Name:(Does not have to be German, but it does have to have a meaning.) Appearance: Ability(s):(How does ypur character fight with this weapon, and what special moves does it have.) [/center] [/hider] [hider=Epithet] Epithet Letter: Signature Skill:(What skill comes with the Epithet and how does your character use it.) [/hider] [/center] [/hider]