[img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTaqyxSdq_OOFP3vo5LnBddVeD4XYnLv8Sca0gtngCy2XKaSwt8[/img] [h1]"In Westeros, blood runs deeper than coin."[/h1] [i]War is on the horizon[/i] Actions speak louder than words, and in Westeros, you have to say a lot. GREYJOY: We do not sow. (DED) [color=8493ca]STARK:[/color] Winter is coming. (Taken) [color=fff200]BARATHEON:[/color]Ours is the fury! (Taken) [color=ed1c24]LANNISTER:[/color]Hear me Roar. (DED) [color=39b54a]TYRELL:[/color] Growing strong. (Taken) [color=2e3192]TULLY:[/color] Family, Duty, Honor. (Open) [color=00aeef]ARRYN:[/color] As high as honor (Open) [color=f26522]MARTELL:[/color] Unbent, unbowed, unbroken. (Open) [color=9e0b0f]TARGARYEN:[/color] Fire and Blood. (Taken AND Open) [color=9e0039]CRAKEHALL:[/color] None so Fierce. (Taken) AEGON X:[img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/6/6d/Aerion_targaryen_by_arkoniel.jpg/300px-Aerion_targaryen_by_arkoniel.jpg[/img] The nine great houses of Westeros are constantly at each other's throats, and now, with the death of the childless King Aegon X, descendant of Daenerys Targaryen, most of the houses are aiming to take the throne for themselves, each with a stronger claim than the last, the only ones not caught in it are houses Greyjoy and Stark, who are currently warring over the North. Many miss Aegon, a just king, a smart king, Aegon was considered the best man for the job, and many suspect his spymaster, his younger brother Daenys, of poisoning him. No matter, Aegon died at the age of 30, mourned by a loving nation. War yet again decimates the Seven Kingdoms, it's surprising how long peace lasted, four generations of kings lived and died with nothing to fight about. The white walkers driven back by a combined effort of the destroyed and mutilated Seven kingdoms, the war of five kings ended, and the war for dawn began. Houses Tully and stark retook their rightful seats, however, the war cost one great family. House Lannister lost everything, the Westerlands given to house Crakehall. Now, generations later, there is one Lannister left, banished to the wall, Lord Commander Tyron, "The Last Lion". He brought startling news that was ignored, now Westeros will pay. "Wights walk the earth again, send troops immediately." History of house Targaryen since the conquest. [hider=Daenerys Targaryen to Aegon Targaryen VII][img]http://i.imgur.com/M3IcG5m.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Aegon Targaryen VII to Aegon Targaryen VIII][img]http://i.imgur.com/Dfg4KQK.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Aegon Targaryen VIII to Aerys Targaryen III][img]http://i.imgur.com/4WNBA4d.png[/img][/hider] [hr] Chat: https://discord.gg/YtRWrZW [hider=Chat Highlights]"SHIP EVERYTHING WITH EVERYONE!" "BRAN IS A FUCKING TREE!" "Fuck the king." "All the Reach names sound really gay, I mean nice" "He thought he just got smited. So now he thinks himself a god"[/hider] Yes, a Game of Thrones roleplay, I'd call it a semi-nation type deal, we play our characters, and their houses. We will be starting a few hundred years after the War of Five Kings, after Aegon VI and Daenerys retook the Iron Throne. Now to answer some questions. How did house Baratheon survive you ask? Edric Storm of course! After the truth came out about the Lannisters, he was legitimized and given the lord paramountcy as the last candidate. Stannis? He rode against the Targaryens, they never even found his body. Bran Stark became a greenseer, still alive beyond the wall. Arya died in Essos, a faceless woman rising from the ashes. Tyrion heralded the return of the Targaryens, but was killed by a stray arrow. Any hope to discover the events that took place after the showdown with the kingsguard, and Lyanna Stark's last words, died with the disappearance of Howland Reed. Jon Snow died on the wall, betrayed by his own men. Petyr Baelish escaped into the night and was never seen again. Dragons exist, though there are few owned by anyone other than a Targ. Crakehall has Widow's Wail, though Oathkeeper was reforged into Ice, though it doesn't look just right, after being delivered by Brienne of Tarth. Longclaw became synonymous with the Night's watch, and it is held by Lord Commander Tyron. All other swords are with their rightful owners. I'd be happy to answer any further questions. Obviously, no canon characters, except for Bran Stark, "With great power comes great responsibility" however, and only Co-GMs can play him. Essosi characters are available, though I'd prefer if the Westerosi were taken care of first. Normal Lord CS: Name: Age: (No older than 100, or younger than 12, don't be silly) Seat: (Where you reign from) Heir: (The one who will inherit when you die, people will die, so you may have to play as this person) Personality: Biography: Claim To The Throne: (Not necessary for Essosi, Starks, or Greyjoys.) Appearance: (Pictures are preferred) King Beyond the wall CS: Name: Age: (Same as above) Host: (Size of your army, you're running from white walkers, so no seat) Issue: (Sons or daughters, when you die, they won't be kings, but you may still play as them) Biography: Personality: Appearance: Bran Stark CS: Rules: 1. No godmodding. 2. No Mary-Sues (Perfect in every way, this is Game of Thrones, people suck) 3. No canon characters, there is an exception, but you have to want that one. 4. Leave a two-post buffer between your IC posts. 5. People will die, if you get your char into a situation he/she can't handle, they will die, though don't just randomly kill other PCs without permission. 6. You can control NPCs loyal to you, you cannot control other NPCs. 7. Be realistic, your character isn't shaking off an arrow wound then charging a spear-wall unharmed, and you aren't winning a battle on hope alone. 8. When it comes to armies, I'll leave it up to you, but if they're too big, I'll let you know. 9. Who wins battles will be based on size of armies, skill of armies, and leader so it's fair to everybody, if my army is built from a small band of brigands and Joe Schmo's army is built of knights, he will win. 10. To follow up on number nine, the leadership column is based on your own actions IC, so you can win even if you have a smaller army, though number 7 still applies. That's it for now, have fun, and may the odds be... shit... Uh... may you win and not die, good enough. [hider=Summary Up to Now](Thanks to Abefroeman) I'd say we currently have seven dedicated folks roleplaying in the rp right now. That includes myself. We have House Tyrell, House Crakehall (in the timeline, House Lannister was deposed at the conclusion of Daenerys' conquest, their lands given to the Crakehalls. The males were sent to the wall, and the females married off to other families), House Targaryen (Played by me and another, I am the cadet branch while the other player is the main line.), House Baratheon (he is dealing with a full scale rebellion, lucky him), a House Harlaw (The Greyjoys for the most part were recently wiped out by the Crakehalls.), a House Stark, and a house Tully. So, onto the plot, in a somewhat abridged version. Daenerys and Aegon VI join forces, and reconquer the Seven Kingdoms, yey. Lots of violence, killing, etc, followed by a few decades of instability. Targaryen forces march and eradicate the Whitewalker threat once and for all. Or, so we think/thought. Lots of Targaryen baby making and incest, plus other families marrying in, brings us to the current timeline. We have King Aegon IX, and his two sons, Aegon X and Daenys Targaryen. As with old folks, King Aegon IX croaks, dying of old age. His son takes the throne, only to be poisoned by his brother, Daenys, in the hopes of taking the throne himself. Surprise, the will of King Aegon IX or X, states that Daenys is not chosen in the line of succession. Low and behold, a scramble for the Iron Throne ensues. The Crakehall Leader throws his hat into the ring, claiming right through intermarriage. Daenys claims the throne, as he is the son of Aegon IX, but he is said to be a mad, homosexual crazy man, so, his support is tenuous at best. My characters, Targaryen sisters decendant from a young brother of Aenys Targaryen III, father to King Aegon VIII, say their claim is best. Tyrell forces and other forces loyal to the thone declare of Daenys son, Aerys Targaryen III, who as it turns out, is just as much a despicable human as his father, who is not eligible for ascending the throne. ((IN other words, a big ol cluster F to see who will take the Iron Throne.)) Well, all this instability creates a massive fight between the Crakehalls in the Westerlands, and the Tyrells of the Reach. Daenys loyalist forces try their best, but end up being defeated and Daenys is captured by Garland, his beloved. My Targaryen forces try to put me in power, and try to convince the Tyrells, who refuse, and put Aerys on the throne instead. During this time, the Greyjoys declare their independence, and start raiding and burning everything along the West coast of Westeros. The other major houses remain neutral (their players dropping out before any real action could take place.) The war is mainly between the Tyrell forces in the Reach and the Crownlands, with sporadic help from the Baratheon forces in the Stormlands, who are contending with a full scale rebellion. Garland Tyrell, Hand of the King, is injured during a battle with the Crakehalls and retreats to King's Landing, which is besieged by King Tyget Crakehall's forces. I choose to leave with all my forces, and conquer the Stepstones, declaring my character Queen of the Stepstones, uniting all these islands under her rule with the help of her younger sister, and the two dragons they have. Big power struggle back on Westeros, no side able to really take full control. Gerald Crakehall, the brother of King Tyget, leads an assault on KL, during which, Daenys escapes and falls into the blackwater, later fished out by Gerald and burned alive as a sacrifice (OR WAS HE?). Aerys III takes a blow to the head during the HUGE battle in KL, and goes into a coma. Viola, the kingdom is semi-without a king again. The Tyrells also end up getting the aid of 20k Yunkish slave soldiers, which to me, is vile and wrong. Cue Tyrells coming to the Stepstones to broker a new deal. Gerald also ends up in the care of Lord North of Harrenhal, who declares him king and sets off to set up his own puppet kingdom, raiding in the lands of King Tyget and Lord Garland. The Tyrell main lord and the Targaryen younger sister are betrothed, and are working to convince the Cadet branch Targaryen leader to come back to the mainland, to take the throne. Long story short, we messed up, picked the wrong guy, and please come back and fix things for us. Figures. So, that leads to the current alliances. You have Rhaenyra Targaryen II (that's me) and her loyalists forces, who are comprised of the houses of the Northern Crownlands. House Tyrell and all the Reach houses. House Baratheon, though it is severely hindered at the moment due to a civil war/rebellion. This comprises Team Purple. Then, you have Lord Crakehall, and all the houses of the Westerlands. Its pretty much just him and his loyal subjects, they make Team Brown. You have the Aerys Targaryen III loyalists, which without the Tyrells, is not much. The only saving grace for them is Drogon, the Black Dread reborn. Team Red. Some last little tid bits, House Greyjoy got steamrolled, and is now replaced by House Harlaw as the primary leader of the Iron Islands. The Greyjoys are still alive, but their power is greatly reduced. War has only touched the lands of the Reach, Westerlands, Stormlands, Crownlands, and small border skirmishes with Dorne/the Reach.[/hider] [hider=Timeline of Events] July 2, 450: Dalla Baratheon is murdered by Daenys Targaryen. July 4, 450: Garland Tyrell recieves Dalla's head. July 5, 450: RP begins, Tyget Crakehall declares himself king. July 7, 450: Prince Aerys Targaryen is rescued from Prince Daenys by the kingsguard. July 12, 450: Ser Willas Tyrell seizes command of the goldcloaks. July 14, 450: Ser Harry Mallister of the kingsguard is tortured to death by Prince Daenys. July 15, 450: Ser Gerald Crakehall defects from the night's watch and joins his brother, King Tyget. July 25, 450: The maester of Highgarden is murdered by an assassin hired by Prince Daenys. July 27, 450: Prince Daenys arrives in Highgarden in disguise, later attempting to murder Lord Garland, but being captured. Meanwhile, the Mormonts of Bear Island are all but wiped out by a Greyjoy assault, few members of the house escaping alive. July 31, 450: A Stark counter-assault kills the main Greyjoy general. August 7, 450: Prince Daenys' kingsguard is wiped out in a landing attempt on Prince Aerys' hideaway. August 9, 450: Lord Commander Tyron Lannister is killed during a battle with wildling forces. (WIP) [/hider]