[hider="The Last Lion" (DECEASED)] [center][color=ed1c24][h1]Tyron Hill (Prefers Lannister)[/h1][/color] [i][color=ed1c24]"If House Lannister dies with me, it dies alone, fighting a war it cannot win."[/color][/i][/center] [center]Age: 37 Seat: Castle Black Heir: Howland Forrester Personality: Quick to act and slow to react, Tyron Lannister is melancholy and cold as the wall itself. His youth left him fearful and cynical, locking himself in his room for days at a time. Tyron is widely considered a coward, though he is not afraid to fight. Tyron has a fear of knives due to the death of his father. Tyron is a calculating fighter, talented with both bow and sword. He was trained in combat at the wall, and often continues to train to better himself, it is said that in his prime, he could duel Aegon X, a great fighter in his own right, on even terms. Tyron is a fanatical follower of the Faith, praying before and after every battle, the only time he smiles is when he's praying. Tyron talks little, and thus has few friends, when he does talk, it's orders or requests. Though he has cultivated a friendship with the Watch's maester, who shares a similar worldview. Biography: Born the bastard son of Tybolt "The Red Lion" Lannister and Lady Crakehall. Tyron was raised as Brynn Crakehall, heir to the Westerlands. Tutored in leadership by the late Lord Crakehall, Brynn was expected to be a good leader, strong and diligent. However, at the age of 12, his golden hair and cat-like features led to suspicion on his "Father"'s behalf, and after a thorough interrogation of Lady Crakehall, it was discovered that he was a Lannister. Tybolt Lannister was born in Lys, where the Lannisters had lived since Tommen Lannister was banished from Westeros. At a young age, he expressed interest in getting his rightful home back for his family. Dying his hair black and sneaking across the narrow sea, Tybolt seduced Lady Crakehall and impregnated her. Tybolt's son Brynn "Crakehall" was born soon after. Tybolt raised Brynn from the shadows, teaching him his real name, Tyron, and telling him of his plan to retake the Westerlands for house Lannister. Tyron, upon inheriting, would reveal his Lannister heritage, allowing Tybolt to return to the spotlight, bringing over a mercenary group from the narrow sea to assert his son's claim. It didn't work. Tybolt was discovered stowing away on a trader's vessel after his plan was discovered, he was sent to the Dreadfort for the Boltons to deal with, bringing his son with him. Tybolt was flayed, one body part at a time, in front of his son. After the deed was done, Lord Bolton couldn't bring himself to kill Tyron, and smuggled him to the wall. Tyron had lost everything, and was now in a hostile environment that he didn't understand. Tyron did the only thing he could do, he turned to rage and coldness, shutting himself off from the outside world in an attempt to avoid being hurt any longer. Due to this, Tyron became driven to learn in an attempt to possibly escape, as a result, he became knowledgeable about the Watch, becoming a candidate for the command at a young age After a few years serving as a ranger, the Lord Commander passed, and Tyron was chosen due to his ability with blade and coin, he was only 23 years old. Repelling wildlings and saving crows became boring to Tyron, he felt like his place in the world was to be useless, a pawn in a greater game, or someone to be ignored. However, this was replaced with fear, when rangers stopped returning from missions. Tyron knew what this meant, now he needed to stand up, and make a difference, or die trying The Second War For Dawn had to start, soon. Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f8/e6/b9/f8e6b9c42cb9ec53ef62ffaa444c15bf.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Howland Forrester "The Purple"] Name: Howland Forrester Age: 23 Seat: Castle Black Heir: Hubert Sand Personality: Born of Lord Forrester, his only son and heir, Howland Forrester was tutored to be a lord, honorable, kind, and just, he still carries these traits. Howland is a brave and stubborn lad, often too stubborn to run when faced with a bad situation, to temper this, he listens very well to orders. He is kind, charitable, and zealous, considering the feeling that one gets from helping others to be greater than the one than he gets from the coin in his pocket. He has green dreams, and is a warg, often getting drunk in an attempt to overpower the dreams, his companion, a snow cat which he calls "Unfrey", because she disemboweled a Frey recruit for attempting a coup, is the only animal he can warg into, and he cannot even control when it happens. Bio: Howland Forrester was born to Lord Warren Forrester, as his lat child, and only son. From birth, Howland was expected to hold Ironwrath, and was tutored by his father, a famed warrior, in the art of sword and diplomacy. However, as he aged, Howland felt like there was too much pressure put on him, his sisters, the only people he felt he could confide in, left to be married, one by one, until he was alone. It was not a very good environment for young Howland. He spiraled into depression and hedonism, becoming known as Howland the purple due to the wine stains that often appeared on his shirts. His father finally gave up on Howland, himself becoming more and more stressed with the situation. Lord Forrester perished on his fourtieth nameday, found slumped over his desk, a quill still in hand, with a small pile of completed letters, and a much larger pile of received letters. As a result, Howland was thrust into a Lordship, becoming more and more angered with his lot in life. Eventually during one of his drunken stupors, he raped one of the court Septas, she later died due to accidental wounds caused by this. He was captured by lord Stark, gelded, and sent to the wall, his uncle becoming the new lord of Ironrath. The loss of his manhood left Howland feeling somewhat bitter towards the Starks, and he soon collapsed back into drunkenness, more and more known by his nickname. Howland was eventually given First Ranger status by Tyron Lannister due to his skill with blade and with following orders. This led Howland to ease up on his hedonistic lifestyle, but not by much. Eventually he began to experience green dreams, and he bonded with a snow cat as his companion, Tyron wasn't pleased by this, as he assumed that Howland might a fled to the wildlings, but he never did, and still serves faithfully. Appearence:[img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/a/a6/Eddard_Stark_TheMico.jpg/424px-Eddard_Stark_TheMico.jpg[/img] [/hider]