[center][h3][u]Krysthane - Patrol Mission[/u][/h3][/center] Krysthane called out indignantly, [color=yellow]"I would not drive us up a tree! I've done this once or twice before you know."[/color] She thought about Skyra's complaint. [color=yellow]"Well I suppose if you [i]really[/i] want you can walk. I'm taking the car though, you can be like the scout person![/color]" Krysthane said cheerily and thrummed the engine now that Ebon and Sepia were in without giving them a chance to get out and made her way into the road with perhaps a little more speed than was safe and made her way to the mechanic in much the same way, finishing the ride with some beautiful parallel parking. [color=yellow]"See? Told ya it would be fine.[/color]" She said confidently as she removed the newspaper on the windshield off. She'd hadn't come [b]that[/b] close to hitting him so he hadn't needed to throw his newspaper in the air like that, it'd made it even harder to drive. Krsythane lead the way into the autoshop with a surprisingly degree of authority since she had no idea who they were looking for. [color=yellow]"Yo, robot mechanic!"[/color] Krysthane yelled, hoping that would draw the attention of whoever they were looking for. She mentally reviewed what to ask. The mousers and whatever W.A.R was. Eyz pzy.