[quote=@Doc Doctor] [@Cruallassar] I like to just go with the flow and see what happens. It's great to have a tough challenge, helps a fella to work on his critical thinking. But, even when paired with the weakest character, it seems nearly impossible to stop Crual. Basically, whenever he is in a tight spot he can just shadow away to safety. It's like an absolute defence. Not that I'm complaining. The same might be said of Shashous-Throth's offense, since even a single nip or scratch from him can result in eventual death and madness, albeit it can take a good while for the toxins to kick in. [/quote] Well, that is his...well...only defensive option. Other than dodging. I made Cruallassar as a pretty solid glass-cannon character, he can dodge and evade your attacks all day...but get one good hit in and it will do damage. And it IS possible to get that hit in...you already did it once with your poison mucus. But yeah, he was also designed to be especially good vs enemies that rely on purely physical attacks, and suffers greatly against mages and other magical enemies because that defense of his doesn't work. So...yes, he is very strong, but I put him here in a fight that nearly perfectly suits him.