Normally Alya ignored most of what Lyle had to say, since all he ever did was drink and get drunk. By what Rilana had told everyone, they were meant to remain silent and aware, however the drunkard was anything but. She glanced over at Lyle as he spoke to himself, she wished that she could tell him off, but she had neither the voice nor the desire to go against the Moon Fey's instruction. Echo let out a low growl at the hunter as though he was taking his mother's place in telling people off. Alya gave the wolf pup a head rub to calm him down, since she didn't want to make too much noise. However, things suddenly turned for the worse as Lyle's flask clanked on a tree after he threw it away. She felt a chill go down her spine as she saw a tree turn into something..terrible. She was scared, she just stared at the monstrosity, her eyes flicking around only to see a few more appear. Echo's growling resumed as he tried to intimidate the toothy trees to keep them away from Alya. However the tree's weren't phased by it and focused their attention on Lyle. [i][color=6ecff6]A treant?[/color][/i] Alya thought as Svarak spoke. She hadn't actually noticed his presence until now, only to see a giant cat in magnificent looking armor and sword. Alya remembered stories that her parents used to tell her when she was younger, about how the treants would come out at night and steal naughty children who stayed in the forest for too long. It was an old Green Fall tale, but she never thought that they'd be real. She watched helplessly as Lyle challenged the treants, it didn't look like he was going to survive for very long, but Alya had known Lyle for awhile now. If he was sober, he'd probably would have less of a chance against such monsters. [i][color=6ecff6]He looks like he's having fun...[/color][/i] she sighed, she was worried about nothing. She thought about the paths that Svarak spoke of. She thought that she'd prefer to go into the mountains so they could be away from the trees, but the decision wasn't up to her. She looked over at Rilana, only to see a white..bird? Raven. Holding something.. blue and icy. It looked colder than the snow.