The main didn't move, though his voice seemed to echo from around the entire room, [color=7ea7d8][i][b]"And why should I assist a dead woman?"[/b][/i][/color] He turned, the tiredness on his face evident, as he looked upon her. His eyebrows gestured to above the doorway she'd walked through, that had what appeared to be a knife restrained by what seemed to be a spry switch from a tree. Though it wasn't tied up, and with a simple nod, the restraint fell away to the floor. Rather, it dripped. It was blood. As the blood was no longer held back, the knife snapped down and flung back through the doorway, directly at Megumi's throat's height. It thudded into the wall opposite the door, [color=7ea7d8][i][b]"You need to be more mindful of your surroundings if you're to be more useful to me than a corpse. I can use a corpse, sure, but they aren't nearly as useful as one with your... potential. But you need more practice with your step and touch than with your words."[/b][/i][/color] He turned back to look at the barracks. [color=7ea7d8][i][b]"Nothing comes for free in this world, as you well know. That you know of them to ask, you know firecrackers and the like are very difficult to get a hold of. Yes, I do know where to get them, and yes, I can get them for you in time to use them. But we are not allowed to give them to just anyone. You have to prove yourself. And luckily for you, I have the perfect task. One that will aid use both. All you must do is follow me, without getting caught. I'll notice you, obviously. Your skills are still raw. But if you pay attention, and are smart, you'll manage. If not, you'll be a corpse."[/b][/i][/color] He shrugged as he left down the stairs, keeping his feet to the outer edges of the steps, walking heel to toe, rolling his feet, completely silent. He turned the knob of the door fully, in a single motion before applying a hint of upward pressure to the door. It had squeaked open before, but now was silent. As he exited the shop, heading toward the barracks, his feet still rolled silently, but were pressured along the outer edges, no longer leaving tracks. He stuck to the natural shadows, darker in the already black night, as he looked to the barracks. There were two guards before the large double doors, chatting noisily. The left was a large male orc and the right was a female deep dwarf. Being door guards, they were unranked, and wore no sash. And the man waited, watching, for what felt like an eternity, but was merely a few slips. Then the woman said, [color=fff200][i][b]"Time to hit the pot, want me to bring back a snack?"[/b][/i][/color] The orc grunted in approval, and the woman disappeared inside. As she did, he stretched and began to meander around aimlessly, looking up and down the street. While his back was turned, the man darted quickly and silently across the way, opened the door in complete silence and returned it shut. If Megumi chose to follow, she'd find herself before three doorways. To the left came flickering candle light, to the right total darkness, and straight ahead was a large room lit by the moonlight through the windows. What she wouldn't find, however, was the man that had just snuck in ahead of her.