[quote=Ex] Lily's not gonna have any part in this RP :PThough I still think you and I should do that thing we talked about as a 1x1, since I dunno when/if PH2 is happening. [/quote] Oh, that... [img=https://24.media.tumblr.com/3c7a59b9c300eabe292c314f3c225c31/tumblr_mtsqxizRM31sp9fcho1_500.gif] I'm certain Miso Soup could do more justice to Lily's man. D: [img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/2cd54c6256b4dfbb2b520d4d1e64f145/tumblr_n0l3pwFIxo1qcm0m3o1_500.gif] It would give me moar room to include Raleigh into that story. [img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lfjf51XfQg1qawvk0o1_500.gif]