First off, all of these entries were great. I cannae believe so many people entered this, though it sure as heck made judging this harder. As per Lug's guidelines, since I received 12 entries I'll be awarding down to third place. If you want to question my judgments or make any snide insinuations, feel free to [s]put it in the waste bin marked complaints[/s] send me a PM. We can talk, but I'm not likely to change my decision. All of these entries were judged using my prompt's guidelines, the quality of your work, and how well you reflected your characters. I read all parent profiles, listened to all the music, and poured over your entries. It's been tough. The entries I enjoyed the most aren't necessarily the ones that won the contest, or placed the highest because I was grading on other scales. But all of you have an excellent base for any future contests I run, because... Believe me, this was only the beginning. Again, if you want specific feedback, request it via PM or in the discussion topic. Seraphs, yours is coming when I can think again. In third, with one credit: Connor Lloyd [@Krayzikk] In second, with TWO CREDITS: Slate Negasi [@Plank Sinatra] And in first, with a whopping THREE CREDITS: Fleur Nuit [@Write] I leave the contest thread in Shadowkiller's hands. [hider=The real reason I made this contest] On 12/19/2015, at 11:02 PM, KAITHAS.exe wrote: > My goal On 12/19/2015, at 11:02 PM, KAITHAS.exe wrote: > With this contest On 12/19/2015, at 11:02 PM, KAITHAS.exe wrote: > A large section of the reason I did it On 12/19/2015, at 11:02 PM, KAITHAS.exe wrote: > Was for Amy to have had sex with as many people as possible On 12/19/2015, at 11:02 PM, KAITHAS.exe wrote: > Because when I make a joke On 12/19/2015, at 11:03 PM, KAITHAS.exe wrote: > I [i]COMMIT[/i] On 12/19/2015, at 11:03 PM, Tyler St. Francis wrote: > jesus[/hider]