[center] [color=f26522][h3] ~Charlotte Lachance~ [/h3][/color] Charlotte walked quietly down the main street. She might look a bit out of place, wearing a dark cloak in this rustic little town and carrying a thick book in one hand, but she didn't care to terribly much. She liked reading and she liked the cloak, plus it was [i]awesome[/i] for keeping warm. Honestly, she'd have liked to stay at home, curl up in her cloak beside the fireplace and read a nice, cozy book or maybe practice her craft rather than be outside right now. She wasn't exactly much of a people person, and parties were definitely not really her thing. Well, the socializing bit and the loud constant talking wasn't part of her favorite thing, at least. But parties were a great way of...getting to know people, and she could probably find someone gullible - er, helpful enough to help her around her own little shop which she had recently opened. A small little place towards the edge of the forest, she sold herbal remedies and some minor healing potions for now, but she definitely intended to expand her stock with her own handcrafted medicines. Well...she wanted to anyways. She always seemed to fudge something up in the process. Which was why she wasn't currently at her home doing what she wanted. She needed a bit of a break, (plus she had thrown her cauldron across the room after being annoyed for the umpteenth time, and she didn't wanna set everything back up right then). So without much else to do, she decided on joining the others in this little get together. The alchemist was remaining skeptical that anything good could come from this, but she'd reserve judgement until she actually got inside and interacted with someone. She was a bit nervous, too. She wasn't exactly what someone would call socially adept. She wasn't bad, really, but her tendency to...speak loudly and rashly put people off. ...thinking of that, sense when was she one to care what was socially acceptable? She walked up to the Inn, and walked inside. [color=00a651][h3]~Grady Keefe~[/h3][/color] It was a quiet evening as always on the small Water Drop farm. Aside from a gentle breeze gently making its way through the crop field, the only other sound that could be heard was the soft playing of a Harmonica coming from somewhere near the tall apple tree next to the wooden house. A man stood, leaning against the tree playing his harmonica softly. He was simply dressed, in light blue overalls, durable work boots and a white t-shirt. He had messy, ruddy colored hair and bright green eyes. Soon, the Harmonica's music died down, and he stretched, giving a tired sigh as he placed the Harmonica in his pocket. Whew, it had been a long, but fun day of work caring for his lovely little plants. Of course he had finished his work earlier that day, but he maybe overslept a bit during the afternoon and had to rush a bit to get everything back in its place and make sure everything was good to go for tomorrow. He was probably going to be a bit late to the party at the Inn...but well, he wasn't gonna sweat the small details. Still, going in these clothes would probably not exactly make a good impression, since they were still a bit dirty from that days work. After going inside for a quick change of overalls and a white, checkered shirt and headed towards the town. Hopefully he wouldn't be [i]too[/i] late. [/center]