Name: Jacob Instin [IMAGE] [IMG] [/IMG] Tag: The Guy With An Earpiece About: The real world, to Jacob, is uninteresting. He doesn't have a problem with it really, it just feels like the same cycle everyday to him. Everything is calm and nothing really seems to surprise him any more. So he loses himself in books and music, with the occasional cup of mocha in hand. Since it's difficult to do that with two other rumbustious siblings in the house, he often goes to the local library to do so. The people there don't allow food or drinks though so he usually has his cup of mocha with his books and music on days when his siblings happen to be out with their friends or stuck at school. Aside from his studies and the time that he hangs out with his friends, that's pretty much his life. His parents are too busy working or arguing with one another to do much more than keep their children in line. Jacob himself is a 17-year-old teenager, halfway through his first polytechnic year, with shaggy brown hair and gangly long legs. His typical attire would be denim jeans and a bright-coloured undershirt with a maroon hoodie, sleeves all rolled up. A chilled, laid-back guy, he would rather please the people around him than get into a pointless argument. That doesn't mean he's a doormat. Under stress, he can get explosive but he cools down quickly and will apologise if he needs to. Jacob doesn't mind taking the role of peacemaker whenever an argument comes up but take it too far and he'll throw in the towel and back off. Being far-sighted, Jacob needs his reading glasses to, well, read. He doesn't like using them as they tends to give him mild headaches but his music has always been soothing enough to make them bearable.