The clock was ticking and the hour was near. Well, more like the [i]timer[/i] was ticking. Ticking [i]down[/i]. Only thing to pass the minutes now was gearing up, the fun part, and a 'motivational' speech from the captain herself. Muffy was kept entertained by Max's almost constant comments, though. She was even tempted to laugh from a couple but half-resisted by covering her mouth with her hand; she couldn't deny how quick-witted that sounded. [i]Man[/i] this was going to be good, wasn't it? Muffy knew that the end of this was going to be determinant by the teamwork of this distinct group, making Muffy aware of her own future reckless and careless moves. ...No guarantees that'll actually [i]stop[/i] her from doing so, if known well. Although Muffy was curious about the ending, she cared much more about the climax right now. "Yea yea lassies. Work as a team, stick together, don't fuck up, that kind of gist right?" Muffy was replied in general after the two ladies were done with some kind of smug smirk on her face. Crossing her arms, she snickered a bit. Not making general eye contact to anyone as her smirk became a small grin, and slowly wrapping an index finger around her chin, "Don't worry." The unpredictable sometimes likes to make Muffy seem...vague. On what she's thinking at least. Or maybe just everything! The unpredictable does a lot in plenty of varieties. It's Muffy. What do you expect? People might, more like probably, not ever be sure. Except explosions and knives, maybe. Those can be given. Still, Muffy's statement gave a small hue of...confirmation. Speaking of which, as Muffy flicks her gaze to the variety of the armory without thought, where those grenades at?!