[b][color=ed1c24]"A dead wom-"[/color][/b] She began, only to be cut off by a snapping noise and the sudden flight of a knife that was level with her throat, she jerked away slightly instinctively, but she realized that she would have indeed been a dead woman, had the knife been aimed straight at her. She glanced at the knife that was now lodged into the wall and then moved her gaze back to the man. She didn't feel any anger toward him. Everything he was saying was right. She would be as useful as a corpse if she didn't do things the right way. She needed to focus more and take this whole situation more seriously than her usual line of work. [color=ed1c24][i]Prove myself..[/i][/color] Where had she heard this before? Ah.. The Charr. She nodded wordlessly as the man finished talking. She followed after him, staying close. She moved on the outer edge of the steps, just about laying her feet into the imaginary footprint that the man left behind. As her mother had taught her, the way of silent movement was to walk from heel to toe in a rolling motion and to keep the pressure on the outer edges to leave no trail behind. She noticed the way he opened the door, pushing the door upward slightly to prevent the hinges from squeaking.. As she followed him out, she closed the door, keeping the same kind of upward pressure to ensure the door closed silently behind them. Megumi stayed close behind the man, who watched the door guards like a hawk who was ready to swoop. And swoop he did. As the female dwarf guard left her post, the orc had become lax, turning away. The movement of her companion was quick, moving in and going through the door with relative ease. She followed suit, keeping her steps light and her noise unheard, she darted across and entered through the same door as silently as she had observed, shutting it quietly behind her. She was faced with three doorways.. The left was illuminated by candle light, obviously a bad choice. Moonlight flooded through the windows of the room ahead, however it retained most of it's dark shadows. The right was in total darkness. She knew that she could see almost clearly in the darkness, but not in a place [i]that[/i] dark. She opted to go straight, into the room with moonlight. She kept her footsteps silent as she darted into the closest shadow. She looked around the large room, expecting to see someone or something. A trap maybe. There was nothing discernible. She didn't know where the man had gone, and she hadn't been given any further instructions. So she waited in the silently among the shadows. [i][color=ed1c24]I bet he ditched me. The rat bastard.[/color][/i]