So, if someone shoots at me with a blaster, what kind of test is involved to block it? I mean, I can understand that light-saber prowess is used for light-saber combat and such, lots of strength involved, but in a shoot-out it's mostly a combination of force perception and the dexterity needed to get the light-saber into place to block in time that's needed. ... Then again, the only time a Jedi or Sith would fail such a test would be when there are multiple shooting at them at the same time, at such a time it would be the strength of the body which failed them as they weren't fast enough to evade. Haha. ... So, like, could a perception-check be done before the strength/dexterity check, and maybe make that one easier if it meant that the attacked had been "perceived"? I'm just a tad confused as to what the Perception stat is going to be used for, as perception is such a vital part of a Force Sensitive yet there are other stats that can deal with the things which perception would be used for in tandem. Haha.