[hr] [color=lightblue]You type "Ships Log" into the system and the screen goes blank for a heartbeat.. Then it whirs back to life sending random characters scrawling across the screen.[/color] [hr] [color=green] 9WUR3NLEJB66QCH3R6WHR5OE78G9D0 -----xxxxxxxxxxx----xxxxxxxxxx---xxxxxxxxxxx------ GER9YDUEM9N8HURH4R8I7XUDHV9YFM PI8MND0IF41OVNFK5RZU1OVNFK5RZUYKET2PU2RI PI8MND0IF41OVNFK5RZU1OVNFK5RZUYKET2PU2RI ! 11:59/6/17; [sub]Begin Rout. Ship Diagnostic[/sub] 12:21/6/17[sup]REC:ships log, anomaly detected Cargo Bay L2[/sup] >Only anomaly detected in ships log for {00:01-23:59} >Begin playback[/color] [color=gold][i]"No I don't know what the hell that is. Can you alert the crew off duty? Thanks. Captain Bex here. Ship Militia report to the armory, We've got an unauthorized docking happening right now. I want scopes up on that cargo door. Could be pirates! All right team. Let's be safe and do this right"[/i][/color] [color=green]>End recorded message. >End Ships Log for 6/17 [/color] [hr] [color=lightblue]The message played back sounds like your voice. But you don't remember saying those things-nor do you remember any 'pirates'. You wonder if you should check out the cargo bay or look through the computer systems some more.[/color] [hr] [color=green] .... ....... ! >Low-Power Mode >AVAIL. SYS COM ------ >Life SUpport >ENGINEERING >PERSONel[/color][color=red]------!SYS CORR3pT![/color] [color=green]>SHIPS LOG backup[/color] [hr] [color=Lightblue]A small blinking cursor blips below the menu options, waiting for you to type a response.[/color] [hr] [color=red]Inventory [list] [*]Small Med-kit [*]Blaster Pistol [*]Body-Armor [*]Utility Belt [*]Nutrient Pack 11G*8 [*]Multi-tool [*]Data-stick [*]flash light [/list][/color]