Sam was happy his new roommate would show him the way. As Wes picked up his egg and headed for the door, Sam went ahead and opened the door for him. After they both them and their pokemon left the room, Sam locked the room behind them and his Doublade got on his back. As he followed Wes through the hallways, he noticed Wes took the egg with him even though it would be safe back at their dorm. He thought that whoever this person was he got the egg from, she must have meant a lot to him. As they reached the library and the sign-ups, Sam saw there weren't many people yet. He used this chance to get to the sign-up before it would get too crowded. [color=gray][i]Hmmm... Art looks fun, but Astronomy also seems interesting. Then again, Football seems very energetic, and being in the Student Council wouldn't hurt either. You know what? I will join them all![/i][/color] Sam thought as he filled in the application for each of the four clubs. Besides that, he saw the sign-up for the welcoming tournament, and seeing as it was a double battle, he signed up for that as well. Sam turned back and walked towards Wes. [color=gray]"I think I'm done. How about you?"[/color] He asked him. He looked around, seeing as more people began to gather around them. He was wondering what the people of his team would be like. That reminded him of something. [color=gray]"I almost forgot to ask, but which school team are you in?"[/color] [@c3p-0h]