[center][img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/889e/th/pre/f/2013/108/2/f/dean_winchester__edit__by_k_a_y_k_a_y-d627rvm.png[/img] [sup]"Sometimes I look in the mirror, and just see dead, black eyes staring back at me."[/sup] [h3][color=#F5FF6E]J[/color][color=#E4FF8B]o[/color][color=#D4FFA8]h[/color][color=#C3FFC5]n[/color] [color=#A2FFFF]O[/color][color=#B3FFE2]l[/color][color=#C3FFC5]s[/color][color=#D4FFA8]e[/color][color=#E4FF8B]n[/color][/h3][color=7d7d7d]37[/color] | [color=7d7d7d]March 1st, 3070[/color] | [color=7d7d7d]6'2"[/color] | [color=7d7d7d]First Class[/color] [color=black][b]_____________________________________________________________________________[/b][/color][/center] [indent][color=black]appearance.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d]I'm not good at describing a person first hand, so here's a book-like extract: [quote]As the man stepped forward, one could easily tell he was once a respectable, clean-cut man - he had a chiselled face, and smooth skin, only compromised by a rigid scar along his right cheek, and the faint remnants of a glasgow smile, about a centimetre in length. His light brown hair - highlighted by dark brown stripes down the side - was lazily spiked up, almost as if he'd rolled out of bed and weakly swatted at his head, with the tiniest bit of gel. Though, by the looks of him, it was probably the case - his once sparkling emerald eyes were now a faded, mossy green, and looked empty inside. There was the scruffy stubble of a budding beard resting on a strong, defined jaw. It wasn't as if it were completely neglected and ignored these days, but one could tell that it wasn't shaved regularly. The clothes he were wearing had quite the same persona about them - the man wore a dark red oxford shirt, the sleeves lazily rolled up and the entire thing unbuttoned, revealing the plain black crew neck t-shirt underneath. The shirt gently rippled in the soft breeze, lapping against the ripped, faded blue jeans that the man wore. Poking out of the right pocket was a black handle of some sorts, worn and scuffed, with a dark red stain at the very bottom of it, where it appeared someone had wrapped leather around the grip, as if it had broken, or the sorts. Nonetheless, it looked like a sturdy utility, and had no doubt served its purpose for a long time, with satisfactory results.[/quote][/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=black]personality.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d]John is what many would call a tortured man. With the struggle of war straining on him, and knowing what SOLDIER made him become, he never manages to see the good things in life. He's pessimistic and reckless, and often runs away from things without looking back. Many times he's just wanted to do the same to life. However, John also has a great rage burning a hole in him, like a beast from hell trying to claw its way out. This is a great burden he's carried with him for most of his life, and he struggles to suppress it sometimes. It's made worse by the constant pressure raining down on him, and most people don't bother to try and befriend him.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=black]biography/background.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d]John Patrick Olsen was born a regular child, in a regular place, with a regular childhood. His parents weren't exactly wealthy, but they had good paying jobs and weren't homeless, so it was a plus for John. He made a lot of good friends in school, and a few childhood crushes became girlfriends that would come and go as the years went by. John had good grades in school, though never managed to get any kind of degree. His sights were set on the military's work, and they didn't have GSCEs for that. So instead of going to college or university, or taking part in more things that would boost his academic work, he joined the army recruits. A lot of the people in the recruits joined for the girls, some for their families, even others for revenge. But John only wanted one thing. To help people to the best of his abilites. Sure, bandages could help wounds, but John could stop them from being made in the first place. Time could heal broken hearts, but John could keep them intact. And, heck, builders could rebuild cities - but John could stop them from being destroyed. This was the best way to go as he saw it, but soon his mother died of illness, and John decided to call it quits. And that was it for a while, until one dreary night, he discovered SOLDIER. They allowed him to join, but didn't tell him about the torturous experiments he would undergo. And so, they trained him up in Fort Lullin, before the time was right. Then, they fused him with his aeon, the screams so loud they had to reinforce the glass. And now, here he is - a completely different man, with barely any memory of who he used to be. All he knows is that he's a monster. And all he wanted to do was [i]help people.[/i][/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=black]weapons.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d][b]combat armour.[/b] —[url=http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8361/8323866953_4afdbc9aab_b.jpg]&[/url] [indent]Not particularly a weapon, but John has made good use of this suit. It stores all of the weapons he owns (in special folding discs) and allows him to utulize his aeon easier. It can also convert into a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/27/11/f42711e7fdea4292ab2bda96956f5b50.jpg]lighter armour[/url] for ease of movement and speedier travel.[/indent] [b]ripper.[/b] —[url=https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1391665378/8428606.jpg]&[/url] [indent]The primary (and only) weapon of John's, Ripper is a formiddable weapon. It is a foldable scythe, with a curved blade at one end, and a standard spear-like tip at the other. Both blades are fashioned from a titanium-gold alloy. The shaft is created out of a durable metal lined with obsidian, and has two hardened black leather straps situated on it. There is also an obsidian clamp that attaches the top blade to the shaft, allowing him to remove it. Finally, just below it, there is a cage housing a diamond-like crystal. This is what it folds into when John is done with it.[/indent][/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=black]skillset. [/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d]┊ravager. ┊two-handed melee expert. ┊high endurance.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=black]ability.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d][b]void.[/b] [indent]John can absorb any sort of darkness or shadow in his range of vision and turn it into an extra boost of strength or tentacle-like streams of darkness that can pull objects towards him and vice versa.[/indent][/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=black]aeon.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d] [indent][b]zachriel; the fallen angel.[/b] —[url=http://community.gtarcade.com/attachments/image/month_1408/20140825_128261408966077.jpg]&[/url] [indent][color=black]black.[/color] ┊ [i]death, decay, ambition.[/i] [indent]Known mostly as just "the fallen angel", Zachriel is a humanoid aeon that despite what it has to do, is constantly tortured and haunted by the sins of its past, and the chaos it ensues upon itself and the world. Legend has is that Zachriel was once, in fact, human, and when he died he became the grandest of angels. But the ever-growing temptation of the Devil overcame him, and he was condemned by the Lord and banished from Heaven, doomed to forever burn in Hell. It is unknown whether this aeon is, possibly, Zachriel himself, or just based on the legend. But, whether it is or not, this aeon eats away at the soul of those it wishes, and sometimes even its host.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=black]limit/overdrive.[/color] [indent][color=7d7d7d][b]if demons came to heaven.[/b] [indent]John's eyes turn completely black and the entire area darkens, the shadows creeping along the floors to all opponents and slowly wrapping themselves around them, putting them in complete agony. It slowly kills them from the inside, with tumours embedding themselves in the vital organs, before ripping them apart and sucking out their soul. All of the dead are doomed to forever burn in the depths of Hell.[/indent][/color][/indent][/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jCF98DT.jpg[/img][/center]