Typical reactions from all, Max's constant biting tongue laden with the searing venom of a desert serpent, Muffy doing her best impersonation of an Irish Harley Quinn after rough sex with the Joker, and of course...Anna not saying a single word, rather just giving her accustomed nod. Most of Maxine's comments Evelyn had ignored as she pressed on to boost the morale of her troops, but still they stuck to her as cactus thorns embedded deep and burning in her flesh. Her teeth grit, she shot a scathing glare to the Mexican before turning to tend to their resident psycho. "Just remember, Muffy...save the fireworks for later." She said, her stern demeanor cracking a bit to give a small smile. "The rest of you, lock and load!" But it was back again. "We get that DSM! We go home! Hooah? Let's go!" And with that, she resumed gathering the rest of her loadout. [h3]--------------MINUTES LATER---------------------[/h3] [i]*static* Overlord, this is Warbird 5-1, we are entering South Ossettian airspace, over.[/i] [i]Copy Warbird. Thirty seconds to drop off.[/i] [i]Copy.[/i] [color=fff200]"Thirty seconds, ladies!"[/color] The pilot shouted over the roaring engines droning in the fuselage of the massive C-130 carrier, a constant buzz that culminated with the distant patter of artillery and small arms fire erupting on the ground below and the creaking and rattling of the plane. Were there to be any windows in this bird of metal and circuitry, the women would lie witness...to chaos, a sea of fire belching forth black, towering plumes of smoke as the tracers of several AA guns and rocket fire exploded with several blinding lights in the thick opaqueness of a cold winter night over Georgia. But despite all the noise, all the clatter, a tense silence fell upon all four women. Evelyn, her trademark Marlboro clenched tight between her dry, cracked lips, she took one final drag of the cigarette before discarding it on the ground and snuffing it out under the heel of her boot. With a racking of the charging handle on her 416, she gave a curt nod to the others, a silent but firm gesture ordering them to stand. "Ten seconds!" She hollered, rising to her feet, just as the gears began to whir, metal began to groan, and the loading ramp of the C-130 slowly descended, giving way to the howling white noise of the winds high above. "Once we make landfall, regroup immediately! Got it?" Then finally....the green light! "GO! GO! GO!" This is what she lived for, the rush, the adrenaline screaming through every vein, every pore of her body. Out the door they ran, leaping into the thin air, soaring as angels of death over the warzone. The chilled, icy winds whipped across their face, faster and faster their bodies descending from the sky to the ground below soaked in rain and blood. Finally, Evelyn yanked her ripcord, and with such a force she was yanked upwards as her parachute unfurled, gradually halting her swift freefall into a smooth ride....landing in the midst of a pine thicket. Once she was at a safe distance to drop, she immediately unclipped her parachute and fell to the forest floor, landing on booth feet.