[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/plA6MBR.png?1[/img][b][color=7bcdc8][h3]Venwyn Ael[/h3][/color][/b][hr][/center] Despite being missing for the remainder of the Duels that took place after his own, Venwyn was able to pick up on the announcement and quickly arrived at his designated dorm room. It would have been somewhat easy to find (those ninja-senses are useful, you see) regardless, but it was made even easier by the fact that the dorm rooms [i]did[/i] have the names of students on them. Light. It was said to be a good thing to be in this dorm, although as far as the concept went, it made Venwyn feel rather disconnected from both Wind and Earth - both of which would have been much more fitting to be in (in terms of the dorm names). [s]I mean, if light travels so fast, how come it's never caught a ninja?[/s] Opening the door to the his room, it only took a brief moment for Venwyn to assess the room in its entirety. Needless to say, it was large and luxurious, so much so that it was somewhat staggering to look at. Whoever prepared the room beforehand must have been extremely meticulous in their cleaning. The room was spotless, and the addition of all of the auxiliaries (the request form in particular) made it quite obvious as to why the Duel Tower students seemed to aim for the Light Dorm. Unfortunately, these luxuries were wasted on Venwyn. His living spaces were always mundane, with very little luxuries within them. It was a combination of both Ael Clan teachings (despite this being a lenient teaching, at most), and his own ideals amping those teachings much higher than the other members. It would take a while before he considered using most of the luxuries presented before him. He did, however, take the Duel Transceiver - even if only for the usage of the lesson plan. His in particular had a [b][color=7bcdc8]blueish-green colour[/color][/b], which was fairly fitting for some reason. Venwyn disappeared from his room in a burst of smoke, appearing in the staircase entrance where the food was located. He was fast; nobody else had quite arrived before he did. He wasn't actually hungry, but [i]was[/i] thirsty. Despite that, he didn't take anything. He sort of just... stared at the collection of sandwiches and water bottles, even when the other students began to arrive. It was as though he was planning something. [h3]Somewhere else...[/h3][hr] The powerful entity once again sensed something about to happen. There was definitely a troublesome student in the midst of something, and it [i]would[/i] be dealt with.