[center][color=a187be][u][b]Willow[/b][/u] [u][b]Falkner[/b][/u][/color][/center] [center]Within the walls of the Greenleaf Lodge the party had just begun and was already well underway as people from around town gathered to celebrate the solstice as well as a celebration for how far these 100 people had come. The achievement of rebuilding and repopulating the village together albeit one that isn’t fully complete yet, was still one worth having a drink over. Greenleaf Lodge’s chimney was letting out its plumes of smoke from the brick ovens they had within the old building rather than electric ovens. The main room of the building held a large open area with a fireplace being kept well in stock and burning bright which lit up the tables which people gathered as well as a the floor for moving from one conversation to another. To the left of the entrance was the bar which one could usually order a drink, pay for rent, and order a meal if they desire. It was obvious that compared to the first day a lot had changed in this building.[/center] [center]Originally the bar was marred with stains and damage over neglect, the shelves which now held various alcohols behind the bar had been in shambles, and overall it had been covered in dirt and cobwebs. Despite all this the current owner of the inn, Willow, had seen it as an opportunity. Having not made a sign of disgust for it she simply rolled up her sleeves and got to work which several of the people around hadn’t expected from the pretty girl and her grandma. It felt like it had been functional overnight within the speed they got the inn up, and before all the housing had been taken care of they already had been offering people lodging as they moved into town. Now that at least everyone was settled only a few remained living off the inn with rent. However, people still came in after work often to talk and drink with Willow and one another, and were doing so as of now as Willow moved with a strange elegance through the crowd. She gave out compliments, drinks, and then diving behind the bar to aid her grandmother with a kiss on the cheek.[/center] [center][color=a187be]“Take a break; it’s going to be a long night. I need to be able to handle it on my own sometime if we expect to have more than one gathering a year.”[/color] Willow stated to the old woman after her sign of affection. [color=a187be]“And I won’t take no for an answer,”[/color] was added onto her statement as she took the tray of different appetizers they had prepared for people out from right in front of her shorter relative. Not saying another Willow simply laughed slightly as her grandmother may have wanted to say something in return, but Willow was already weaved back into the guests and got the appetizers to a table. Certainly Willow stood out compared to most here due to being finely dressed. From day one she had insisted to herself that she remained presentable no matter where she worked and having done so by wearing a lovely kimono and hair pinned up. It was simply something she didn’t aim to loose from her past, though many found it strange that she could do all the work while dressed in such a way as well.[/center] [center]All of the rooms within the inn were on the second floor besides the ‘master’s’ quarters which was the room Willow stayed in. On the first floor both due to its larger size than the inn rooms as well as so she can answer the front desk at night should someone ring the bell while she was asleep. The stairway upstairs was just to the right of the bar, and around under the stairs was the door to her room and area. It was one of the larger buildings in town due to it being two stories as well as the fact it functioned as a gathering spot since it also had the area for the fireplace and tables. Decorations lit by the fireplace and other lights were spread around that Willow’s grandmother had prepared. Several homemade reefs from the pine trees around hung on the wall and cure enough her grandmother had a dish of homemade sweets placed on every table as well for the season. A fine first party all things considered.[/center]