[i]Clunk![/i] Arianna swung her prized Golden Axe over her shoulder, smiling at the job she had finished for today. She had finally finished a weekend long ordeal of chopping down an entire tree, splitting the large trunk in to smaller rounds to cut with a large saw, and then cutting those rounds in to smaller chunks of varying sizes for her fireplace, stacking them up on one side of her small, four room shack that was lucky to even have running water. She heaved a sigh as she threw the last few pieces of timber on to the top of her woodpile, which now almost completely covered an entire side of her house. [color=#bb0000]"Whew! I sure am beat!"[/color] She walked over to her toolshed, carefully setting her father's axe among all of her other tools, some she brought with, and others she found lying around the house. It must have obviously belonged to another woodcutter before her, as all the tools she needed were lying on the floor of her shack, ready to be claimed when she arrived. She closed the door, then walked back inside, throwing herself on to one of four chairs she had made for herself, coupled with a small table for her dinners. Samples of different woods from all around the area were nailed in to the walls, a price tag per pound all carved in to them, as well as a short and choppy description on what that particular wood was used best for. Sitting in the back of the room was a counter she used when business arrived, and behind that counter wass the rest of her house: Her bedroom, bathroom, and a kitchen that she barely knew how to use. Arianna would have almost fallen asleep right there on her table from exhaustion if it wasn't for one little mark she saw on her calendar. She then groaned a little bit annoyed that the Winter Solstice party had fallen on today, while she was exhausted and did not want to put effort in to looking nice for a party. Then, remembering how amazing the food the food that the Inn cooked was, and deducing that some of it would probably free today, she sluggishly stood up from her chair. She then made her way in to the back rooms to at least put on a headband, her jeans and dark red long-sleeved shirt looking presentable, she decided, despite the wood chips and saw dust clinging to them. [i]Oh well,[/i] she thought, [i]Guess people will know what I do. Hey, advertisement![/i] Finally, she wrapped herself up in a heavy black jacket, lighting a small lantern sitting on the table with a match, treking out in to the woods on the vague path to town. [hr] The billowing smoke and bright lights coming from the Inn signaled that the party was in full swing by the time Arianna arrived. She smiled as she stepped inside, the atmosphere of fun and excitement for the approaching new year infectious. She blew out her lantern and took off her coat, hanging them both on the back of a chair she found by the door, exhaling deeply after her long walk on an empty stomach. She looked up to call over the inn keeper, who could not ever be missed, dressed in that gaudy bath robe with her hair pinned up, who was currently carrying food to people around the main floor of the inn. Arianna decided instead to wait for little miss Inn Keeper to come to her, popping one of the treats she found at her table in her mouth. When she finally drew near enough, Arianna raised her hand to get the attention of the inn keeper. [color=#bb0000]"Hey, miss Inn Keeper!"[/color] After succeeding in getting her attention, she would look up at her and try to ask for food in the most polite way she knew how. [color=#bb0000]"If you're still serving, I'll take the biggest plate of food ya got! And... And something stiff to drink, too, please!"[/color]