Aka-awkward Hi everyone. I’m no good at introducing myself, but I’m Harley Q: cute right? I don’t know where I come up with this stuff. Anyway, I’m on a search for a new partner or two to try out some historical role plays. I’ve found I have gotten a nice spread of my superhero and villains (although can you ever have enough of those?) and I am currently looking for someone who would be interested in creating a story with me based on the middle ages. Interesting, right? If so, then keep reading! [b]But first, some housekeeping.[/b] I’m a 24 year old female, who works all week. Role playing is fun, but I don’t have 24/7 to dedicate to it. You can expect a few posts a week, with updates and fun OOC chat! [b][u]Yes please:[/u][/b] -We are partners. There is no winning or losing in role playing. We work together and communicate OOC regarding plot and fun brainstorming. -I say casual to advance as guidelines more than actual rules. I’m not a grammar Natzi but I expect at this level I won’t get a bunch of short hand, one liners, or say, a different language. Typos happen, I know, I am the queen of them. I tend to post anywhere from 2-7 paragraphs. I just expect my partner to do what they feel is necessary for a post. Quality over quantity, my dears! -Cannon pairing or all non cannon pairing for me. I can’t seem to wrap my head around a cannon x non cannon pairing. (This is more in the realm of fandom based role plays). -I prefer PM, but threads can work just fine as well. -Keep it real. Gore, swearing, romance are all good and welcome, but don’t go out of your way to send me gore for a scene that doesn’t call for it; natural flow of the story is preferred. -Like above, Romance is great! Smut is not my main concern. I’m not here to spend 10 posts on a scene that can be tastefully done in two posts. Also, if you’re younger than 18, you won’t get much more than a kiss from my character. Sorry. [b][u]Thanks but no thanks:[/u][/b] Anime (I watch maybe…two? I can’t role play it) Smut High Fansty Vampire/Werewolf Slave/Master Now the moment you’ve been waiting for! Or skipped to! I am looking for a historical plot, preferably anywhere from the 1300s to the 1600s. We can choice pairing that have to deal with real historical events, or pick a time frame and come up with our own events to be played out. I know this era often gets a romanticized approach, but I’d like to keep focused on the darker and grittier aspects; such as gossip, murder, scandal and war. The court was a dangerous, and often lethal place to live. [b][u]Pairings:[/u][/b] [s]Foreign Royalty/ Foreign Nobility (have a plot idea for this one.)[/s] Theif x Noble Noble x Noble Pirate X Captive Henry VIII x Anne Boleyn* There are simply examples right now; there are truly endless combinations to try.