[color=BDBDBD][center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3109332][b]C H A S E[/b][/url] [url=https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7434051,-75.5492698,3a,75y,353.97h,88.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBxOFQf4FvpB3SSuvAmJtQw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1]Rite Aid Pharmacy[/url] Wilmington, Delaware [@Foster] [@CandiBarr] [color=ffffff]---x---[/color][/center] It was only a minute into their sweep when Chase had decided the place was clear. It was too quiet and dark and their entrance had been all the noise they'd need to draw any of the dead out. He'd spent the first handful of seconds clearing the left side of the pharmacy, sweeping through empty aisles and finding little more than dust and toppled shelves. The other two followed in tandem, their dark silhouettes barely visible against the pitch black. They were for now keeping up with him and more than likely finding as much to loot as he was. Chase however wasn't concerned with drugs. There was a primal urge calling to him from his gut, something he hadn't heard in a long time or maybe something he'd been ignoring all along. The girl, Sarah. She made her pass through the center of the store between the two men in near perfect cover. Should something come at her from either side, she'd wouldn't be alone in her fight. It was strategic placing on Chase's part if safety had been either of their concerns... but it wasn't. Sarah payed no attention to her right flank and kept glancing across the aisles to her left. Their eyes locked every now and again as if they were trading invisible messages and eventually Chase sent the right one. They both stopped, and after only a seconds hesitation, Sarah left the center aisles and made her way over to him. They said nothing to each other as one lead the other into one of the side rooms and shut the door behind them. In that dark room everything stopped. The need to survive, to scavenge, to kill. Whether or not the Russian was okay trying to clear an entire pharmacy on his own. None of that mattered. The only thing on Chase's mind was the small woman undressing behind him and how much time they had. Not much by his calculations and he didn't intend to waste any of it... and neither did she. By the time Chase had turned from the door, she'd already pulled her shirt over her head and both hands had found the buckle on his belt. He did the same, tearing his jacket off his back and grabbing the hem of his shirt to hoist it over his head. He tossed them both to the side just as he felt the familiar release of tension around his waist. He looked down to see the brass holding his pants together hanging undone and defeated below him. Pale white and eager hands moved to undo the zipper and Sarah leaned in to bite a chunk out of his chest. He countered, snaking his arms around her back and hoisting her up in the air. He pinned her against the opposite wall and returned the favor, his teeth gracing the soft skin of her neck. It was a primal dance with basic intent, not unlike that of the Dead and one that would be cut a little short. Static cut through the sexual tension in the room. [color=ffffff]"...Confirm our Hunter made contact in Delaware."[/color] The both of them froze but Chase's heart stopped. [color=ffffff]"Confirm. Chase made contact. Report is 15 heads. Light arms with some ex-military. Full stash. Hunter says it's a go. Awaiting his s-"[/color] Chase killed the radio. A heavy silence followed as he turned to look at Sarah who turned from the radio on his hip to him. With her still pinned against the wall and her arms and legs wrapped around him, their eyes locked for the hundredth time that day and this time, silent words that neither one of them wanted to share were exchanged. In the deep of her eyes, Chase could see the dots starting to connect and a realization set in. Within a handful of seconds she understood exactly what was going on and who he really was. A second after that and Chase saw something click in the back of her mind. He opened his mouth to speak. [color=ffffff]"Lis-"[/color] Sarah let go of him and pressed both hands and feet against his chest. With back against the wall, she pushed with every ounce of strength she could muster. It was a lot more than either of them expected. Chase released his grip on Sarah and stumbled backwards a good three steps before tripping over a piece of merchandise some inept store associate was too lazy to pick up a month ago. He fell on his back and Sarah fell from her spot on the wall onto her ass. With the same quick hands she used to undress Chase, she went for the 9 millimeter on her hip, pulled it from it's holster and flipped it around to face him. However before she could squeeze off a round, Chase had already rolled left toward safety, albeit away from his gun and pulled a knife from his boot. He flipped the blade around in his hand and lunged at her. Sarah quickly adjusted her aim and pulled the trigger eliciting a loud bark from the gun and a muffled scream from her lips. Before the sound could leave her throat, Chase closed the distance between the two of them and slammed one hand across her mouth and the blade in the other hand into her chest. Sarah felt ice pierce her skin and a tremendous amount of weight press against her diaphragm squeezing every last ounce of air from her lungs. She struggled against him to no avail and before long darkness began to close in around her. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was Chase: His face only a breath away with one cold eye staring back at her and the other covered in blood from the wound she inflicted. [/color]