[b]Legal Nation Name: [/b] [b]The Hutterite-Chiliwack Coalition. [/b] [b]Area Controlled:[/b] [b]In Pink[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/4dsAp6J.png[/img] [b]Flag:[/b] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f5/Flag_of_Alberta.svg/300px-Flag_of_Alberta.svg.png[/img] [b] Political Party: Hutterite - The Fellowship of God Chilliwack - The Canada Restoration Party[/b] [b]Type of Government:[/b] [b]Chilliwack - Republic Hutterite - Communist Theocracy[/b] The government of Chilliwack is democratically elected by a general vote of its citizens. The current incumbent government is The Canada Restoration Party, which promotes heavy migration and extreme military action, to reclaim all of what was once Canada, and to then expand south. The party is lead by Prime Minister William McGuinness, a grizzled, industrious man, who seeks to ensure his name is not lost to history. Each of the Hutterite communes is individually governed by a council of elders, who are appointed to the position by the elder before them. Needless to say, almost all the elders are the sons of the previous ones. The councils regularly gather together, to ensure that changes in government affect every Hutterite community simultaneously, giving the functional effect of having all Hutterites live under a centralized government. [b] Date Out of Bunker:[/b] [b]Chilliwack - 2209 Hutterite - N/A[/b] [b] Productions:[/b] [b]Cereal, Fruit, Spices, Meat, Lumber, Ships[/b] [b]History of the Nation:[/b] When the bombs fell, the major cities of Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton were wiped off the map. When the descendants of the Vancouverites emerged from their bunkers in the early 2200's, they found a wasteland where their city had been. This lead to the great pilgrimage of 2209, where the surviving tribes of Vancouver traveled inland, and discovered that the British Columbian city of Chilliwack hadn't been hit by a bomb. It was here, in the decayed, but largely intact ruins of Chilliwack, that they rebuilt Canadian civilization, establishing the Republic of Chilliwack. As they reestablished contact with communities along the Pacific coast, and up into the north of British Columbia, they discovered that several areas where already inhabited by some strange German-speaking cult. Eventually, contact was made with the elders of this tribe, who still maintained a grasp on the English language. They identified themselves as the Hutterites, a religious minority that fled Europe in the late 1800's, who had been living in isolation for more than 300 years. Being far away from any civilization, and pacifist in nature, they were completely untouched by the war's destruction. With all other remaining life hidden inside sealed bunkers, the Hutterite communities flourished. They expanded across the prairies, and into northern British Columbia, establishing a heavily populated agriculture empire. They even sent scouts out, marking out and walling-off radioactive zones. Needless to say, their technology hadn't developed as it had in the bunkers. They rejected most technology, and only made advancements relating to agriculture. The people of Chilliwack needed fresh food and materials to supply their expanding society, and the Hutterites needed protection from the technological giants that would be emerging in the world, so they drafted the "Treaty of Kamloops", establishing a dual-government coalition between the Hutterite communes and the Republic of Chilliwack. This strong coalition, combining a relatively massive population and food surplus, with modern military technology, now seeks to expand its reach, uniting and recolonizing the rest of North America. The problem that obstructs these ambitions, of course, are the other surviving societies that have since emerged in North America. While the Vancouverites of Chilliwack would gladly use force to expand their empire, the Hutterites are strict pacifists, and would refuse any such action. With the majority of the coalition's population being Hutterite, it's simply not an option. Nonetheless, there is a great deal of empty land, ripe for the taking. [b]Main Race:[/b] [b]Hutterite - German/Caucasian Chilliwack - Chinese/Asian[/b] [b]Main Religion:[/b] [b]Hutterite - Anabaptist Christian Chilliwack - Baptist Christian[/b] [b]Military:[/b] The Republic of Chilliwack has a moderate force of full-time soldiers, who are stationed at outposts across all coalition land. They are armed mainly with pre-war assault rifles, but the Chilliwack National Guard is outfitted with laser weaponry and light power armour. Research is constantly underway in the heart of the capital city, developing new methods of "keeping the Republic safe". The Hutterite communes believe that the nuclear fallout of the world was God's fulfillment of "the meek shall inherit the Earth", and that it is their sworn duty to remain unarmed at all times. As such, the population eligible for military enlistment is greatly limited, with all soldiers coming from the non-Hutterite regions of Southern British Columbia. National Anthem: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3RhvVfCOII[/youtube]