[URL=http://s248.photobucket.com/user/the_help_you_doll/media/bloop%20bloop/FashionTorso_zps5c8f9121.png.html][IMG]http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg175/the_help_you_doll/bloop%20bloop/FashionTorso_zps5c8f9121.png[/IMG][/URL] [color=WhiteSmoke][b]Name:[/b] Mihael ______ [b]Nicknames:[/b] Hal [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Sex:[/b] [s]Yes please.[/s] Male [b]Gender Identity:[/b] Male [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Pansexual (though he isn't looking for anything more than casual strange, anyhow) [b]Birthdate:[/b] A New Year’s baby, January 1st, 1982 [b]Occupation:[/b] Record Producer [b]Criminal Record:[/b] B&E when he was a kid, also broke some guy’s jaw during a bar fight [b]Education History:[/b] High School Graduate, University Dropout [b]Pets:[/b] “A fiesty red-head with a ‘tude.” His hand raised red furred mink named Dusky, she seems to dislike anything trying to get close to her owner. He has to put her in his room when people are over. [b]Talents:[/b] Finding talent Phenomenal with animals Writing [b]Hobbies:[/b] Guitar collecting Language learning. An odd interest, but he knows quite a bit by now [b]Personality:[/b] [u]Positive:[/u] Creative – Loyal – Chill He’s the cool uncle that a kid won’t mind seeing out on the town, or having them drive them somewhere, or bringing to prom. The man doesn’t talk down to people younger than himself, and usually treats strangers like old friends. With his style, mannerisms, and understanding of pop culture, he is usually perceived as younger than his actual age. [u]Negative:[/u] Defeatist when it comes to his own personal interests – Childish at times – Sometimes inappropriate/lacks a filter When he isn’t working, going from businessman to charismatic, he’ll be a whiny teen all over again. Older, younger, treating people like equals usually ends up with him asking inappropriate questions or casually cussing up a storm at small frustrations. He is the uncle who’d buy booze for your party, who’d offer you a cigarette, laugh and slap you on the back if you cough. [b]Biography:[/b] Mrs Forbes’ younger brother, known for having a kid in his mid-teens, and helping an old friend raise up a now famous Record Label while in his mid-twenties. Many thought the business with that record label would be a dead end, but with his eye for talent and some family money...well. For the most part, he was always there for his kid, his sister’s kid, kids, and yet more kids…after all, family money was what helped him help the label in a pinch, his sister helped him be there for his kid, family is the most important thing to preserve. When he’s not out at a club, or watching performances, watching out for new talent…he’s often found at the Forbes homestead practically being their oldest baby. [b]Extra:[/b] Has written a biography personally for his first recording artist, who is now a famous singer-songwriting actress. It was actually pretty popular a number of years ago.[/color]