[center][URL=http://s990.photobucket.com/user/nightforest/media/1500_by_tnounsy-d6klx56_zpsv9y4nsgr.jpg.html][IMG]http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/1500_by_tnounsy-d6klx56_zpsv9y4nsgr.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] Note: Gilgex is the main GM around here, despite what the topic says. [h1][center]The Face Cards of Fate[/center][/h1] [center][i]Be careful of what you wish for, because you just might get it.[/i][/center] [h2] [b]The Goal Of All Life Is Death[/b][/h2] We were the famed mercenaries of YGGDRASIL. We fought strangers’ wars for a price. Never our own. We were the sword-for-hireds, the feathers that tip the scales of battles, the names that every fighter dreaded and envied. We were the wild cards, dealt to you by fate. We deal in blood and victories, both were available in exchange for gold. We were Seekers Of Fate. Well, that was us in game. Outside of YGGDRASIL, we were just your everyday folks; we had families, jobs and responsibilities. More or less. But of course, real life was overrated. Why be a wage slave when you could be a god? That was what kept us coming back to the game, kept us fighting for our worth. In time, we had secured a guildhall for ourselves- a large mansion nested among the misty swamps. We were content to build and prosper. Our roster grew and we took on bigger jobs. Skirmishes slowly turned into long campaigns. From mere soldiers, we became warlords. We had made a name for ourselves in the digital world of YGGDRASIL. However, all things come to an end. Even good things. For all our swords and magic, all our valor and tactics, we still couldn’t combat one foe: The Devs. So when the closing of our favorite MMO was announced, all we could do was watch as the timer ticked by. We have tried our best. We created countless threads on the forum. We raised funds. We made petitions. Nothing changed. So in the end, we gave up. Many had left the guild already, leaving behind either heart-felt farewells or nothing at all. We did not judge. Those of us that stayed though, had decided to gather for one last time, staying even when the timer began to countdown seconds. We would greet the end in each other’s company. Except, it never came. [h2][b]Stranded In A New World[/b][/h2] The countdown stopped, then began again. We remained. At first, there was joy and awe. The universe of our dreams, the fruit of countless gaming hours, everything we worked so hard for still within our grasp. The guildhall remained intact around us, the NPCs were still where we left them and all our (ill-gotten?) gain was still lying in the vault. But the world itself had changed. We knew, as our senses came to life. YGGDRASIL was as realistic as games came, but it still got nothing on this. For the first time, we were alive in this world we helped shape. The catch? We couldn’t leave. The log out sequence wouldn’t work. So here we were, trapped in a world that was slowly coming to life around us. We struggled to get our bearing, but at least, our power was still with us. Maybe time would reveal an exit. But then, would you leave? [hider=tl; dr] Basically, this is an Overlord RP (the light novel series, not the game). Props to Turboshitter for the ideas. So basically we got stuck in a game world as our super-powered endgame selves. Yep. And the NPCs live now. And they also love you. All that stuffs. Yada yada. You can play as either a player or a NPC. Or both, really. [/hider] [h2][b]Information about the Guild[/b][/h2] We are Seekers of Fate, a mercenary guild of some reputation back in the world of YGGDRASIL. And our gimmick is tarot cards, so let’s get the rank system out of the way first. Basically, each member is assigned with a card from either the major arcana or the minor arcana. Obviously, members from the major arcana are stronger and have higher ranks than those from the minor, so they will be assigned tougher jobs and such. But that’s all the rankings you are going to get. Just that. We will be roleplaying players from the major arcana though. There are 22 of them so take your pick. Have problem? Take it to me I will help. As for how we operate, the guild itself doesn’t really have an official leader. We, however, have a card dealer (i.e a handler of sort). She will be the face of our outfit, dealing directly with our clients and then directing the jobs to the most suitable members. As for more general and easier jobs, ones that don’t require that much specialization, she will post them on a notice board for other members to pick up and complete. Sometimes, when larger jobs come in, ones that requires a full party or on very rare occasions, the entire guild, the dealer will gather everyone and vote on whether they take the job or not. [h2][b]The Cast[/b][/h2] LadyPastry-The Fool DozingDonut-The Tower Morrigan Fair Quin-The World [h2] [b] Rules [/b] [/h2] While I’m not big on rules (Heck, I’m not even the main GM here, I just post this thing.), there must still be stuffs here so nothing will get out of hand. Basically, all RPG basic rules: be calm, be cool, don’t control other people’s characters, and don’t grieve. Bring your issues, questions, concerns to me or Gilgex and I will help you sort them out, to the best of my abilities. Also, before doing anything big (like blowing up the universe big), run them through me first. I will give you the code to the nuke. Just know that while I like surprises, I want to be in on them. (oh hang on….shit…then they wouldn’t be surprises anymore). Another note is that this is probably gonna be mid casual to low advance. So don’t be that guy and post one liners. I will judge you silently. But don’t put too much stress on post length, quality over quantity and all that. [h2][b] Character Sheet [/b][/h2] Special thanks for Turboshitter, just copy and paste his cause I’m a lazy shit. Also raw version for your copy and paste pleasures. [hider=things ya might want to skim through first] While the CS seems rather stuffy and such, it’s encouraged that you fill it out to the best of your ability. And while the stats seem like a pretty big deal, they are actually not. We are bloody overpowered here, so they are just there to help us define your character. [/hider] [hider=CHARACTER SHEET] (PICS OR DESCRIPTION HERE. OR BOTH IS GOOD.) [b]Name(s):[/b] [list] [*]Not your character’s real name please, their username. Try to be creative. This also includes nicknames and aliases which is why I’m giving it its own section.[/list] [b]Gender:[/b] [list] [*]If applicable for your race.[/list] [b]Height:[/b] [list] [*]Your character’s height, preferably expressed in centimeters or meters.[/list] [b]Weight:[/b] [list] [*]Optional. If you do choose to give a weight and your character wears armor or other heavy gear, please specify weight in and out of armor.[/list] [b]Race:[/b] [list] [*]Name of your race and a brief summary of their characteristics if you’re not using [url=http://overlordmaruyama.wikia.com/wiki/Race]one of the races mentioned in canon[/url] (there are over 700 so that’s okay). [color=deepskyblue]Blue text[/color] if human, [color=yellow]yellow[/color] for demihuman, [color=red]red[/color] if heteromorphic. Keep in mind that heteromorphic races were heavily discriminated against in YGGDRASIL, and that the guild probably won’t have many.[/list] [b]Title:[/b] [list] [*]A moniker usually signifying your race, job class, and achievements i.e. “Bloody Valkyrie”, “Dissolving Cage”, “Ruler of Glaciers” etc.[/list] [b]Job:[/b] [list] [*]Your class, basically. There’s [url=http://overlordmaruyama.wikia.com/wiki/Job_Classes]a list[/url] of known classes here but feel free to make up your own within reason. You may have more than one but less than five (four if you're demihuman or heteromorphic).[/list] [b]Residence:[/b] [list] [*]For all player characters this should be the guild base. For NPCs be specific about which area.[/list] [b]Alignment:[/b] [list] [*]D&D stuff. Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Good, etc.[/list] [b]Sense of Justice:[/b] [list] [*]On a scale of -500 to 500, how just are you? Loaded questions ahooooooy![/list] [b]Racial level:[/b] [list] [*]Applicable only to demihumans and heteromorphic races. Basically how much have you specialized and trained your race’s inherent abilities over learning a skill or a trade?[/list] [b]Job level:[/b] [list] [*]Your class level, and the opposite of the above. Your racial level and job level together equal your total level, which in this guild should be at least 80-100 if not exclusively 90+ for player characters.[/list] [b]Stats:[/b] [list] [*]HP: [*]MP: [*]PHY. ATK: [*]PHY. DEF: [*]AGILITY: [*]MAG. ATK: [*]MAG. DEF: [*]RESIST: [*]SPECIAL: [/list] [b]Spells:[/b] [list] [*]There are over 6000 spells in YGGDRASIL, and even pure warriors are expected to know some ([Message] and teleportation/gate spells for example). Which ones do you have? Level 100 magic casters can learn up to 300, double that with certain classes or skills. You don’t have to list them all, but I expect at least a dozen or a couple dozen. Stretch your creative muscles! (or borrow from the canon if you [i]have[/i] to :P)[/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]The realm of warriors, and their magic equivalent. Similar to the Martial Arts of the New World but not quite, Skills are basically spells or techniques that warriors can use a limited number of times per day. Again, not many of these have been mentioned in canon, so you're free to use your imaginations.[/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*]List all your worn and equipped items along with their class (Divine, World etc.). For simplicity's sake, this includes weapons. Feel free to be creative! Remember, not much has been established in canon.[/list] [b]Bio:[/b] [list] [*]What was your character’s story before coming to the New World? How did they come to join the Seekers? What are they like as a person?[/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*]Other miscellaneous stuff and/or gags.[/list] [/hider] [hider=RAWR!! I mean Raw] [pre] (PICS OR DESCRIPTION HERE. OR BOTH IS GOOD.) [b]Name(s):[/b] [list] [*]Not your character’s real name please, their username. Try to be creative. This also includes nicknames and aliases which is why I’m giving it its own section.[/list] [b]Gender:[/b] [list] [*]If applicable for your race.[/list] [b]Height:[/b] [list] [*]Your character’s height, preferably expressed in centimeters or meters.[/list] [b]Weight:[/b] [list] [*]Optional. If you do choose to give a weight and your character wears armor or other heavy gear, please specify weight in and out of armor.[/list] [b]Race:[/b] [list] [*]Name of your race and a brief summary of their characteristics if you’re not using [url=http://overlordmaruyama.wikia.com/wiki/Race]one of the races mentioned in canon[/url] (there are over 700 so that’s okay). [color=deepskyblue]Blue text[/color] if human, [color=yellow]yellow[/color] for demihuman, [color=red]red[/color] if heteromorphic. Keep in mind that heteromorphic races were heavily discriminated against in YGGDRASIL, and that the guild probably won’t have many.[/list] [b]Title:[/b] [list] [*]A moniker usually signifying your race, job class, and achievements i.e. “Bloody Valkyrie”, “Dissolving Cage”, “Ruler of Glaciers” etc. Also, pick a tarot card, from the Major Acarna, if you want. Think of it as a nickname from the guild.[/list] [b]Job:[/b] [list] [*]Your class, basically. There’s [url=http://overlordmaruyama.wikia.com/wiki/Job_Classes]a list[/url] of known classes here but feel free to make up your own within reason. You may have more than one but less than five (four if you're demihuman or heteromorphic).[/list] [b]Residence:[/b] [list] [*]For all player characters this should be the guild base. For NPCs be specific about which area.[/list] [b]Alignment:[/b] [list] [*]D&D stuff. Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Good, etc.[/list] [b]Sense of Justice:[/b] [list] [*]On a scale of -500 to 500, how just are you? Loaded questions ahooooooy![/list] [b]Racial level:[/b] [list] [*]Applicable only to demihumans and heteromorphic races. Basically how much have you specialized and trained your race’s inherent abilities over learning a skill or a trade?[/list] [b]Job level:[/b] [list] [*]Your class level, and the opposite of the above. Your racial level and job level together equal your total level, which in this guild should be at least 80-100 if not exclusively 90+ for player characters.[/list] [b]Stats:[/b] [list] [*]HP: [*]MP: [*]PHY. ATK: [*]PHY. DEF: [*]AGILITY: [*]MAG. ATK: [*]MAG. DEF: [*]RESIST: [*]SPECIAL: [/list] [b]Spells:[/b] [list] (please separate into active, passive and utility) [*]There are over 6000 spells in YGGDRASIL, and even pure warriors are expected to know some ([Message] and teleportation/gate spells for example). Which ones do you have? Level 100 magic casters can learn up to 300, double that with certain classes or skills. You don’t have to list them all, but I expect at least a dozen or a couple dozen. Stretch your creative muscles! (or borrow from the canon if you [i]have[/i] to :P)[/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] (please separate into active, passive and utility) [*]The realm of warriors, and their magic equivalent. Similar to the Martial Arts of the New World but not quite, Skills are basically spells or techniques that warriors can use a limited number of times per day. Again, not many of these have been mentioned in canon, so you're free to use your imaginations.[/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*]List all your worn and equipped items along with their class (Divine, World etc.). For simplicity's sake, this includes weapons. Feel free to be creative! Remember, not much has been established in canon.[/list] [b]Bio:[/b] [list] [*]What was your character’s story before coming to the New World? How did they come to join the Seekers? What are they like as a person?[/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*]Other miscellaneous stuff and/or gags.[/list] [/pre] [/hider]