It's Christmas time in Lavanya and our story takes place in Oasari where our heroes spend their time in peace and warmth as they ready for the upcoming wedding and Christmas festivities. The snow falls heavily as it gathers on the ground and on heads, Criston is yelling at some of the workers to put things where they belong, most the huge tree's ornaments. Brako is sitting at the bar, drinking eggnog as he watches with mild interest as the workers prepare the food for the feast on the other side of the massive field. A few of the village's young children are building forts nearby, preparing for their massive snowball fight, which some of the Athalia students may or may not join in on. The music is in the air as the band Carmen pulled together plays for those around. Though, there is a hint of darkness in the air as the feeling of something watching them slinks up the back of their necks. Most simply shrug it off, but some feel the sinister presence nearby.