[hider=DozingDonut] [center][URL=http://s990.photobucket.com/user/nightforest/media/posing_in_the_forest_with_some_swords_wip_by_fetsch-d5i2xni_zpsnjhiaj3q.jpg.html][IMG]http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/posing_in_the_forest_with_some_swords_wip_by_fetsch-d5i2xni_zpsnjhiaj3q.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/center] [hider=Face Closeup] [URL=http://s990.photobucket.com/user/nightforest/media/portrait_of_k_o__by_virginiecarquin-d5n19w2_zpsbgcytefz.jpg.html][IMG]http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/portrait_of_k_o__by_virginiecarquin-d5n19w2_zpsbgcytefz.jpg[/IMG][/URL] With white hair, red eyes and a pair of horns. Also, rows and rows of teeth like a shark's. [/hider] [b]Name(s):[/b] [list] [*] DozingDonut [*] DD to mostly everyone [/list] [b]Gender:[/b] [list] [*]Male[/list] [b]Height:[/b] [list] [*] 187cm (without horns)[/list] [b]Weight:[/b] [list] [*]Out of armor: 87kg [*] In armor: 93kg [*] In armor and wielding his greatsword: 123kg (it’s a heavy sword) [/list] [b]Race:[/b] [list] [*][color=red]Revenant[/color], a race unlocked only for players who had managed to die a certain number of times. The exact number is still unknown, but since revenants are few and far between, it is rumored that the game not only takes in the number of times you have died, but also the manner in which you do. Revenents are characterized by their red eyes, stock white hair, black blood and prominent horns. The race has legendary strength and stamina, but in exchange, their speed is rather limited. Also, they are famous for the natural sturdiness, possessing a range of skills dedicated to becoming the last man standing in every battle. [/list] [b]Title:[/b] [list] [*] Windwhirl Reaper [*] Lord Hoarder [*] The Tower [/list] [b]Job:[/b] [list] [*][b]Reaper[/b]: A class specialized in drawing strength from your fallen enemies; reapers will have the abilities to feast on essence of the fallen in order to gain ‘life force’. Most of the Reaper’s skills are fueled by life force, so they are at home in the midst of the chaotic battlefield, hacking and slashing their way to victory as the deaths of enemies and comrades alike sustained them. However, they are quite lacking in one-on-one fights, due to the fact that they have to constantly kill to sustain their power. [*][b]Berserker[/b]: A class that rewards the ‘Hulk smash’ playing style. Basically, the class encourages you to kill your opponents before they kill you, by giving you skills that boost your melee prowess at the cost of your own health. High-leveled Berserkers also get access to shout skills, abilities that are triggered verbally. [*][b]Flayer[/b]: A class devoted to the use of bladed weapon. With a variety of skills that enhanced sharpened steel, even a butter knife could become deadly in a skilled flayer hand. Their attacks might not be the fastest and they might not always manage to connect a hit, but when they do, you will really, really feel it. [/list] [b]Residence:[/b] [list] [*]The guild base [/list] [b]Alignment:[/b] [list] [*]Chaotic Neutral[/list] [b]Sense of Justice:[/b] [list] [*]0 (Also the number of shits given)[/list] [b]Racial level:[/b] [list] [*]Revenant level 15 [*]Others: 25 [/list] [b]Job level:[/b] [list] [*]Reaper level 5 [*]Berserker level 15 [*]Flayer level 15 [*]Others: 25 [/list] [b]Stats:[/b] [list] [*]HP:EXCEED LIMIT [*]MP:80 [*]PHY. ATK:100 [*]PHY. DEF:100 [*]AGILITY:20 [*]MAG. ATK:20 [*]MAG. DEF:100 [*]RESIST:100 [*]SPECIAL:10 [*]TOTAL: 630 + EXCEED LIMIT [/list] [b]Spells:[/b] [hider=Active] [list] [*][b]Grasping Shadow[/b]: A Reaper spell, when casted will summon spectral claws from your own shadow to spread out and drag enemies around to the ground around you. Grant a small amount of life force. [*] [b]Bloody Feast[/b]: A Reaper spell, allowing the caster to reach out to dying or weakened enemies around and forcefully finish them off. Grant a moderate amount of life force. [*] [b]Death’s Embrace[/b]: A Reaper spell, when casted will cloak the caster in a shroud of life force, effectively shielding from any type of physical attacks, as the shroud will absorb all damage. Can be sustained until the stored life force runs out. Also, while remaining in shroud, the caster’s health will slowly be restored. [*] [b]Slice and Dice[/b]: A Flayer spell, magically sharpen any blade the caster is holding. Also capable of increasing the reach of the weapon significantly, by forming a type of magical blade around the original blade. [*] [b]Dearly Departed[/b]: A Reaper spell, by imparting a small amount of life force into the fallen corpses around the caster then denote, creating a deadly AOE explosion around the caster. But since the caster isn’t immune to the effects of the explosion, it is recommended to use alongside with Death’s Embrace. Consume a large amount of life force. [*] [b]Unholy Fervor[/b]: A Reaper spell, expending life force to heal the caster. [*] [b]Scavenger’s March[/b]: A Reaper spell, summoning a flock of ravens at the caster’s beck and call. The caster can also reach to each individual and share their senses, however only one at a time. Aside from that, the ravens themselves are quite useless in combat. [*] [b]Trickster’s Visage[/b]: A low level illusion spell, used to change the caster’s appearance, but only above the shoulder. [/list] [/hider] [hider= Ultility] [list] [*] [b]Gate [/b] [*] [b]Open dimensional storage[/b] [*] [b]Summon Mount[/b]: Unicorn (Special ability: Leaves behind rainbow footprints that sparkle) [*] [b] Message [/b] [/list] [/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] [hider=Active] [list] [*] [b][i]‘Face me’[/i][/b]: A Berserker shout skill, forcing the affected around them to focus their attacks on the user. [*] [i][b]‘Flee’[/b][/i]: A Berserker shout skill, instilling a sense of dread and impending doom into the enemies, forcing them to either run or stand frozen in fear. [*] [i][b]‘Shake it off’[/b][/i]: A Berserker shout skill, allowing the user to ignore any wounds or effects on their person and returning to their full strength for a short period of time. [*] [i][b]‘Oblivion awaits’[/b][/i]: A Berserker shout skill, revealing weakened or dying enemies to the user and giving the user bonus damage against them. [*] [i][b]‘Futile’[/b][/i]: A Berserker shout skill, granting the user immunity to any crowd control effects for a brief period. [*] [b]Primal Rage[/b]: A Berserker skill, sending the user into a state of bloodlust. In this state, the user will become stronger, faster and almost impervious to pain or fear. However, the precision of your attacks will decrease significantly. [*] [b]Boiling Blood[/b]: A Berserker skill, sacrificing a small amount of the user’s own health to provoke several enemies in close proximity around into a stage of uncontrollable fury and recklessly charge at the user head-on. The skill targets either PHY.DEF and MAG.DEF, using the weaker stat as modifier. The weaker the stat, the longer and more effective the skill gets. [*] [b]Dancing Darkness[/b]: A Reaper skill, turning the user into a windwhirl of shadow and blades. [*] [b]Relentless Pursuit[/b]: A Reaper skill, allowing the user to charge forward with incredible force, demolishing everything unfortunate enough to get in the way. [*] [b]Foot In The Grave[/b]: A Revenant racial skill, activates everytime the user receives a fatal blow. The user will then remain standing, but must kill at least one enemy in thirty seconds to stay alive. If successful triggered, the user will be restored a moderate amount of health. [*] [b]Weight Of Living[/b]: A Reaper skill. By slamming their weapon against the ground with great force, the user can create shockwaves to push enemies back and crush those standing too close. [*] [b]Devastating Aura[/b]: A Berserker skill. When using Primal Rage, the user will get the option to activate this skill at the cost of health. Once activated, the user will be surrounded by an aura of bloodlust so powerful that it causes damage to enemies and allies standing in the user’s melee range. [/list] [/hider] [hider= Passive][list] [*] [b]Cheat Death[/b]: A Revenant passive. Revenants are often considered pseudo undead, as they are demonic spirits that inhabit a living body, holy spells don’t affect them as they do real undead. However, spells that have no effects on undead will still affect them normally. [*] [b]Tainted Blood[/b]: A Revenant passive, granting increased strength and stamina. Also, as a revenant’s blood is pitch black and quite thick, they are immune to BLEED effect and poisons affect them slower. [*] [b]Rigor Mortis[/b]: A Revenant passive. While still technically alive, revenants suffer a penalty to their AGITLITY, as their bodies aren’t really their own. However, they gain bonus PHY. DEF thanks to the hardened muscles. [*] [b] Blader, Baby [/b]: A Flayer passive, which gives bonus physical damage when using a bladed weapon. [/list] [/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*][url=http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/Gauntlets_zpsshdbv2i8.jpg] Hag’s Knucklebone[/url]: DD’s trusty gauntlet which he wears on his right arm, an item unique to the Reaper class, grants the wearer the ability to absorb life force through it. It can also extend at will to grasp enemies or objects from afar. Also doubles as a shield thanks to the tough material. A Legendary class item. [*] [url= http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/vivexvalignant_zpsczcgcgya.jpg] GG [/url]: A long sword of simple design, also usable only by the Reaper class. While it doesn’t boast the elaborated appearance of other divine swords, but its power is by no means lacking. It has the standard life force leech that allows the user to gain life force by successfully hitting the enemies, instead of killing them outright. Furthermore, it gives the user the skill called “Necrotic Slash”, which basically a single shockwave that can negate magic and damage MP. The wave will only work against magical projectile, i.e fireballs or the like, and does no damage against HP. A divine item. [*] [url=http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/skull_mask_by_phelandavion-d7qi2we_zpsfovtpqmu.jpg] Tormented Soul[/url]: The mask given to players when they successfully unlocking the Revenant race. Aside from cool looking (debatable), the mask will grant wearers night vision and face protection. Also it will tell other users that you have managed to die so many times the game took pity and decided to give you something. A relic item. [*] Wyrmskin Pail: A bucket-shaped leather bag made from various types of skin, in spite of its name. While it has infinite storage space, it can only hold whatever you can fit in there. Since it’s roughly the size of your everyday bucket, good luck squeezing a set of armor in there. A relic item. [*] The Shadowrunner: A stylish (also very debatable) pair of black leather boots that increase the wearer’s running speed and reduce fall damage. A relic item. [*] Bloody Death: A set of light leather armor. Its sole ability is self-repairing. Also quite stylish. [/list] [b]Bio:[/b] [list] [*] DozingDonut was one of those guys who were really, really private about their lives outside the gameworld. Not much was known about him, except for the fact that he had been playing since launch. Back in his newbie days, DD was rather the by-the-book type, fervently researching builds and meta and the like. His main aim back then was simple, to make a name for himself through either PvP or PvE with his favorite class in the game, the Reaper. However, according to most guides of that time, Reaper wasn’t a good class to take into PvP and their selfish playstyle made them undesirable in organized PvE groups. Unfazed, DD still stuck to his favorite class and managed to level up some, overcoming the difficulties of his class mechanics through sheer patience and the willingness to grind. Somewhere along the way, his impressive records of death had earned him the Revenant race and eventually, he found a guild for himself. However, since the first guild he joined was rather focused PvX guild that took its gaming a bit too seriously. They let him joined, but placing him into the guild ‘B Team’, tasked with mindlessly farming resources for the guild. Though eager to test his mettle, DD never got a chance, just because his class wasn’t the ‘meta’. Frustrated, one day, he just threw his hands in the air and said: “Screw this. I’m just gonna play however I want.”. He ditched the guild, deleted all the guides and ever since, just focused on doing whatever the hell he wanted to do. He learnt Berserker class in order to gain that awesome screaming voice, then Flayer class just so he could stab people with a butter knife. Later, he swapped his staff in favor of the greatsword, just because they seemed ‘so much cooler’. While Tormented Soul was considered shameful by others, he wore it proudly and gave whoever said otherwise the middle finger. He spent most of his days just wandering about and enjoying the game, until one day, he decided to try out some PvE in dungeons. Traditionally, dungeons were reserved for organized groups, for obvious reasons. DD, being the crazy bastard that he was, decided to solo dungeons. He died more often than not, wasted thousands of gold coins while achieving nothing, but he didn’t really care. After all, the game was all about doing what he wanted now. Then a new dungeon came out, dubbed by the players as ‘The Rekting’. There wasn’t any special mechanics or new bosses, the dungeon would just dump you into an open field where you must fight against armies of trash mobs. When DD finally tried the dungeon, he was delighted and worked on a build to beat the battle. It took a while, eating up his gaming hours, but in the end, he managed to do it. While most players finished the dungeon by holding out until the timer ran out, he actually won the battle. DD slaughtered waves and waves of enemies, until the dungeon had nothing left to throw at him. By achieving such feat, he was rewarded ‘GG’, the much sought-after greatsword. It came with a different name of course, but he deliberately renamed it. The victory earned him the fame and respected he wanted back in his newbie days, but ironically, he no longer wanted it. Despite invitations from larger guilds, DD continued his carefree playstyle, running around the world, either collecting random things or farming for gold. He later formed the Seekers of Fate in order to gain the extra bank slots. However, as guilds needed a certain amount of players to be maintained, he began to recruit random strangers, mostly just to fill up the roster. Some left after a while, but those who stayed formed the core of the Seekers. Soon enough, some other guilds began hiring them to do their battles and seeing the chance to make easy money, DD took it. He was never one to lead though, so he pushed most of the responsibilities on to his fellow guildmates, and hardly ever presented at the guild hall. He always brought gifts for his friends after trips though. However, his fun was short-lived. Once the server shutdown was announced, DD was, of course, less than happy. But then again, what could he do? [/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*] He is left-handed. [*] For someone who mains a tank spec, DD wears light armor. Cause fashion, baby. [/list] [/hider]