[hider=My Char] [b]Name:[/b] Satsuki Kanno [b]Aliases:[/b] Killing Princess, Genius Sniper [b]Age:[/b] 15 tyl - 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Current] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YOWn1wv.png[/img] [/hider] [b][u]Combat Data[/u][/b] [b]Faction:[/b] Vongola [b]Position:[/b] Cloud Guardian Candidate [b]Flame:[/b] Cloud [b]Equipment:[/b] Daggers [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Satsuki uses a set of twin daggers to deal damage often using thme for quick precise strikes. She uses it in conjunction with her cloud flames to either multiply the daggers or use it to increase the length of the blade. [b]Techniniques[/b]: [hider=Techniques] Hyakuretsu okazan ("Hundred-Strike Cherry Blossom Slash") draws a circle with the daggers, and cuts multiple enemies at once or leaving multiple cuts on a single enemy. Hyakka Ryoran ("Many Flowers Blooming in Profusion") Is a rising attack meant to strike the jaw from below. For additional power, one uses one's free arm to apply force to the back of the blade and utilizes a powerful upward jump during the attack. Tsukimi No Yozakura ("Evening Cherry Blossoms of a Moon-viewing") Using a reverse grip slash at a enemy. Normally is used as a way to disarm enemies or disorient them. Oro Gekka ("Cherry Blossom Tower, Moon Flower") A double swing that strikes the shoulder or chest region three times in suceession. Hyakuretsu Yozakura ("Hundred-Strike Evening Cherry Blossoms") Draws a semi circle with her the daggers revserse handed to deal multiple cuts targeting the vital points on a body. Can be modified to where it hits non vital points instead. Ukigumo - Sakura Sanka ("Floating Cloud, Falling Cherry Blossoms") A dashing attack that simultaneously strike all nine vital spots on the foe's body. Ukigumo - Kageyoshi Yozakura ("Floating Cloud, Vibrant Scape of Evening Cherry Blossoms") Consisting of a First Thrust (Ichi no Tsuki), Second Thrust (Ni no Tsuki) and Third Thrust (San no Tsuki), is a concealed strike that is produced by technique and speed All thrusts occur almost simultaneously. [/hider] [b]Notable Abilities[/b]: Has a near eidetic memory body is really flexible [b][u]Personal Data[/u][/b] [b]Background[/b]: Satsuki was born into a family of assassins it was also due to this that her life was largely decided for her. Her early childhood was devoted to the knowledge she would need in order to make sure she was able to carry out the failies goals and her missions. This was what she was raised into. It is as such that due to her childhood she is a bit unsure on how to properly show her emotions which frustrates her. She was trained though flashed pictures of her "enemies" over and over again till it became ingrained. It was a small victory so that even in death she will continue to subconciously hunt for their enemies and those that may eventually kill them off. It was a bit later that despite everything she got tired of killing she didn't want to take lives anymore for little to now reason. Though she hid this not wanting to be claimed as a betrayer to the family and their beliefs. It was bound to happen but one day the family went to far they were considered to much of a threat to live. The family went out in the most ironic of ways they themselves was assassinated. Despite this Sachiko lived one of the few survivors that and her younger sister who was hospitalized. Eventually with the leftovers of their families fortune Sachiko moved place to place keeping an eye out on any hospital that may help her sister. She eventually settled in Namimori a place she knew from her family had strong ties to the Vongola. With that said she figured if she was to settle there and somehow contact the current head or future head that she may be able to get the care her sister needed. So with that in mind she moved once more settling in at Namimori striking her place with sheer force of will and quickly using her skills to become "known" or at least seen. [b]Personality[/b]: Satsuki is a person who is often called "cool and collected." She is often quick to anger often irrational in her thoughts and feelings like this. Also she can come across as irritated or cold to those that down know her. This however is not the case as she is a rather caring individual it's just that she tries to push people away as to not feel pain from losing them. She does not do well with showing her emotions making it hard for her to express what she really means. Though she is a fierce protector to anyone who does manage to gain her loyalty going out of her way to make sure that they are all right. She has a strong drive and determination to get her goals completed no matter what though her main focus will always be towards her sister who she seeks to help at all costs. [b][u]Miscellaneous Data[/u][/b] (Everything from here on is optional unless noted) [b]Nationality[/b]: Japanese [b]Birthdate[/b]: April 8 [b]Blood Type[/b]: B [b]Height[/b]: 5"1 [b]Weight[/b]: 115 [b]Likes[/b]: Cherry Blossoms, Music, family [b]Dislikes[/b]: n/a [b]Hobbies[/b]: n/a [b]Talents[/b]: n/a [b]Family[/b]: Sachiko Kanno (Sister) Character Theme: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOgxWGTWHDE[/youtube] [b]Other[/b]: [/hider] Heres my char if something needs to be changed tell me and ill fix it