[@akirashadow], [@Simple Unicycle] Teddy looked up at Irvine and nodded uncertainly, he wasn't exactly sure what the guy was saying, but he got the gist. Then the janitor tossed a trash can and knocked two of them over, they kept moving but didn't get back up, so it seemed to be at least a little helpful. At the old man's cry for them to run, Teddy attempted to follow suit, picking up one of the lunch room chairs and throwing it in the direction of the monsters. He wasn't sure if he had the strength to throw it hard enough to hit them, let alone knock them over, but in the very least it might get in their way and slow them down. After throwing the chair, Teddy followed Subhas' command and dashed for the door, knowing the longer the kids waited, the longer Subhas would wait, and the more likely any of them might get attacked.