[center][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/2b058cc0428e07cac70ff1e4dbdb15c3/http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e232/cllmeaj/anime/CASTLE-1-2.jpg[/img] [color=red][i][b]Once upon a time, in the land of Starlynn, there were ten princes that lived in a beautiful castle. These ten young men had everything their hearts desired and they were spoiled by their parents, the king and queen of the kingdom. These boys started out very loving and they wanted to find someone to share that love with. Princesses and other high ranking members of the kingdom came and tried to win the hand of these princes, but all were turned down. Then, one day, the king and his queen became very ill and died, leaving the ten princes to the care of the servants of the castle. It was then that these ten princes locked themselves in their castle and refused to be seen by any but the castle staff. To those outside the castle walls, the boys became cold and distant, but the servants knew the boys were really kind on the inside, if only they would let others in. One night, while the princes were dining, a knock came on the castle doors, something that had not happened in a long time. The oldest of the princes got up from the table and made his way to the door, opening it to find what appeared to be an old woman dressed in a shabby looking cloak. "May I please have shelter from this biting cold and some food to fill my starving stomach? I would think such a beautiful castle would be a good place to rest my weary bones,"the old woman requested. "I am sorry, old woman, but you cannot stay here. We do not want to have to deal with any guests at this time,"the eldest prince told the woman coldly. He was just about to close the door in her face when a blinding light formed around the woman and she was magically transformed into a beautiful woman with flowing black hair. "You could not give an old woman a place to stay, so now you and all those in your household will suffer for your actions. Everyone of the princes in this castle will become some kind of creature, be it a beast, a vampire, a werewolf, a demon, or some other kind of creature that people fear. All of the servants who are in this castle will turn into some kind of animal and only you, your siblings, and any special young ladies who come here will be able to understand them. All ten of you princes will need to find your true love in no more than five years or you will be like this forever. Also, when you find true love, you and your love will decide if you want to return to being human or want to become the creature you will become,"the woman explained. Then she touched the wall of the castle and the whole castle began to glow, changing the inhabitants within. Now the princes must find their true love before it is too late and they need to open up to that special person.[/b][/i][/color] [/center]