[h1][color=f7976a][b][i]ACCEPTED SPECIAL GIRLS:[/i][/b][/color][/h1] [hider=BansheeChick] [img]http://img0.joyreactor.com/pics/post/art-anime-girl-artist-1121222.jpeg[/img] [b]Name(s):[/b] Brea [color=red]"I'm not very good with instructions."[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [color=red]"Don't see how this is your business but, whatever."[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] Brea is a quiet girl, having spent most of her time with her head buried in a book or with her eyes focused on her sketchpad. However, she is not completely reclusive. If someone speaks to her or if she is interested in what is happening she will speak up. Albeit very bluntly. She is also kind and willing to listen to those she keeps close. (Which are a very few amount of people.) Sure, she may seem pretty deadpan at times but, it is most likely due to the fact that she has limited social skills. She has a good heart. [color=red]"I think it's a bit obvious by now, don't you?"[/color] [b]Bio:[/b] Brea was born to a single mother. Her father ditched as soon as he found out that her mother was pregnant. So, it was just her mother and she. She didn't mind. It was a bit difficult for her mother to support them both considering the low-paying job she had and the lack of help. So, Brea chipped in to help. How? By getting a part-time job in a library. Together, they both survived. And then Brea discovered her ability and she discovered how her ability could help her mother and she. So, she used it to get a little extra money. However, it wasn't too much as to gain suspicion. Her mother and she lived a peaceful life regardless. Or they did. Until [b]this[/b] happened. [color=red]"What is this thing about love and stuff?"[/color] [b]Powers:[/b] Anything she draws becomes real. However, if the paper (or whatever she drew on.) becomes torn or ruined then the creation will disappear. And the bigger or more complex something is then the more energy it takes out of her so she has to be careful. [color=red]"Well, I have an awesome power. Can I just keep that instead of having eternal love or whatever?"[/color] [b]Love Interest:[/b] Open [color=red]"No? So, I have to say it? Fine."[/color] [b]Other:[/b] She is part French so she sometimes slips into French when speaking. [color=red]"I will love you"[/color] [/hider] [hider=Belle] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Dca_d7wiB60/T-zNux3bgQI/AAAAAAAAAN8/zAFlPWEsHNQ/s320/emilie-de-ravin-belle-2.jpg[/img] Character Name: Brenna age: 22 personality: Quiet only when she is reading. Polite to a point but she WILL put you in your place if you do not accord her the same respect. She never shouts or even raises her voice, but her quiet way of reprimanding you when you act badly makes you wish she would scream and yell. She will give anyone a chance, but if you break her trust it is really hard to get it back. Absentminded and somewhat clumsy at times, sometimes running into things when she is not paying attention. bio: Her mother died when she was young. It was rumored among their town that her mother had fairy blood in her but this was never proven. Brenna loves stories about fairies and magic but doesn't really believe in it herself. She grew up often on her own, as her father was working and she never liked playing with the other children. They were loud and dirty and liked to push and shove, while Brenna liked to sit quietly reading or watching and listening to the forest around her. She saw many things that many have never seen merely because she knows how to be still and listen. Her father is now old and his health is failing. Brenna sought out to look for work in order to send money for his care. powers: Empathy - has the ability to feel when someone is upset or angry or happy. It's not so much a 'power' as just careful observation of the people around her and taking a personal interest in them. Some people call her a flirt, but really she is not. She just really listens when people talk. Song - If she hears a song, even once, she can remember it and sing it. She has an ear for music and often begins to hum or sing when working. Love Interest: unknown other: I will love you [/hider] [hider=Marcus XVI] Character Name(s): Ramia Elanna Kastagir age: 23 personality: Ramia can be at times rather impulsive, impolite and and downright rude at times - that paired with her volatile temper makes her rather difficult to deal with at first. When people get to know her however Ramia is deep down a nice and caring person and though her temper tantrums don't quite fit her age they do oftentimes have an endearing effect on people. appearance: Ramia stands at just below 6 feet and is quite broad shouldered. Her overall physique could easily be called athletic. Her left hand has a thin scar that runs from the knuckles to just past her wrist. Ramia's right hand lacks the very tip of it's middle finger and the palm also has a barely noticeable scar. Her eye color varies between green and blue depending on how sunlight hits them. She keeps her black hair cut short from the front and the slightly longer back part is kept in a ponytail that barely extends to her shoulders. Ramia wears comfortable clothes that do not hinder her movement - a simple white silk shirt with long sleeves, a pair of gray pants and black leather boots that extend just under her knees. Around her waist she has a blue, wide silk sash with it's long ends hanging on her left hip - extending nearly to her knee. bio: As the third child with a pair of older brothers Ramia's inheritance seemed rather nonexistent. Her brothers would split the duchy and she'd only have the name of the noble house of Kastagir as her inheritance. At the very least Ramia's parents gave her free reign to do what she wished and provided her with a good education. They also permitted her to learn swordplay - and learn she did. Eventually her skills outgrew the duchy and she set out to find more skilled opponents in other parts of the world. Though every victory gave her experience and confidence even the losses taught her. She learned from every cut, nick and scar - sometimes she learned humility, or perhaps to be less overconfident. Her travels have taken Ramia to many places and she has locked blades with many a skilled swordsman. powers: Extremely good eyesight and hand-eye coordination to the extent that Ramia has officially been forbidden from entering all kinds of archery contests. Ramia can create and to a certain extent control fire, the more annoyed or distressed she is the stronger the flames. She dislikes and to an extent fears her ability. Love Interest: None, yet. other: Ramia carries with her two pairs of swords - the first is a pair of the most well crafted rapiers she has been able to get her hands on and the second is a pair of equally well crafted training swords, also made of steel. Usually her swords are wrapped in a bundle of cloth. "I will love you" [/hider] [hider=@2b3heart] Character Name: Aria age: 16 personality: Aria is usually quiet and tends to stay away from others. She kinda has trouble connecting with people. She is shy around others but will open up if she is comfortable. When she makes a friend, she can be a bit clingy. One of her favorite things are animals, loving to play and cuddle with them. appearance: [img]https://wallpaperscraft.com/image/anime_girl_young_water_mud_darkness_12654_1600x1200.jpg[/img] bio: Aria grew up on a farm out in the countryside with her mother, father, and her two younger siblings. Aria tended to sneak out at night into the forest because she was told about the stories of magic and faeries. She would often take in injured animals and nurse them back to health. Before Aria learned about her gifts, which she claims were given to her by the fae, her parents farm forclosed and her family had to journey out to a new home and look for new work. powers: plant control, healing Love Interest: open other: I will love you [/hider] [hider=bryn] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/3e8a/th/pre/i/2015/353/4/9/handmaiden_by_chicagos-d9kpupc.png[/img] Character Name: Vellorita Ashwood age: 19 personality: A warm and friendly person, she is used to dealing with boys and their tendencies. She is the type of person who is wise beyond her years. Her humility is often taken for shyness but she has no problem telling anyone exactly how she feels about them. She prefers not to cause issues and is normally the one fixing problems with her quick wit. bio: Vellorita lived with her father and three younger brothers. For years she played the role of mother in their lives. She would do the gardening, the cooking and the wash for the men of the household as well as the trading. It was when she began her first bloodletting did she discover her power. During that week she was toxic and deadly to be near. Her father confessed it was due to the fae blood of her mother. When she was fifteen the poison struck hard and one of her younger brothers fell ill. For years she was conflicted as to what she should do until her father remarried a kind woman and Vellorita was free to leave her home and keep her family safe. Years of travel left her with plenty of time to learn to control her powers, however during her bloodletting, she is still a deadly force. powers: -Photographic memory -Body Creates poison of varying types but is uncontrollable for one week every month Love Interest: N/A other: I will love you [/hider]