[H1][b][i][color=aba000]ACCEPTED SERVANTS:[/color][/i][/b][/H1] [hider=Wicked Axel] Maisie Haven Peverell age: 21 personality: Kind, caring ,very protective, loyal and determined. Animal you have become: Fox Appearance: [hider=What I Used To Be] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Sophie.Hatter.full.288631.jpg[/img] [/hider][hider=What I've Become] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c4/47/ec/c447ecabca8646e25900e6cca1233cca.jpg[/img] [/hider] Bio: Maisie was a runaway from a nearby village and she found herself to the castle. Being only 8 years old, meeting up with the servant’s children, and soon became adopted by one of the servants. At her home in the village her skill was to care for the animals and cook. That was her natural specialty and soon became part of the servant’s family and lived to serve the princes and royal family. Loyalty was in her blood and would watch over the princes when she wasn’t at the stables or kitchen. Love Interest: It’s a secret other: Loves animals, nighttime, music and has a natural reaction with animals [color=aba000][i][b]We will help our masters...[/b][/i][/color] [/hider] [hider=KahleenCuthald] Character Name: Neveah age: 16 personality: Naveah is a smart, book-loving girl, she is often seen with a book in her hands, she is good at cooking and she is fast on her feet, she is able to appear and disappear with no one noticing because nobody ever gave her much attention and she is so silent on her toes. Always running from her job in the kitchen to the other end of the castle to the library to read on her breaks, she has found the fastest ways through the castle and has discovered many of it's secret tunnels and ways. Animal she has become: Red Panda (also known as red bear-cat) appearance: [hider=before] [img]http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/d1969c23-6539-49a0-8cb8-de73479d7ed0/6ac03627-5cfc-4b24-8f13-a4a723c4d8ce.jpeg[/img] [/hider] [hider=after] [img]http://cdn2.arkive.org/media/A9/A988B696-F8CB-4682-AE69-7798AC2CF679/Presentation.Large/Red-panda-sleeping-on-branch.jpg[/img] Red Panda [/hider] Bio: Naveah's parents have worked for the royal family and so did Navaeh when she was old enough. When her parents died she was 9 and the King allowed her to stay in the castle and work in the kitchen. Since then the kitchen chef has been the closest to family she got. [color=fff200]There was another young girl working with her and she became what came closest to a friend.[/color] She never got a chance to find true love. She was always too busy in the kitchen and the library of the castle she was working in. Naveah has volunteered to work in the libraby, sorting books, dusting them off, buying the newest and replacing old ones with failures. It was a big library but she loved being there and the work allowed her to read just every book she could find. So her life was basically cooking, cleaning and reading. That's until a curse hit the castle and she suddenly found herself as a red panda, a red bear-cat. She had no idea what was going on, but it didn't stay a secret that it was all the princes' faults. Love Interest: [i]Psst![/i] [color=fff200]"We will help our masters."[/color] [/hider] [hider=@2b3heart] Character Name: Nyra age: 14 personality: Nyra is an energetic, wild soul with a big heart. She believes everything and everyone deserves kindness Animal you have become: Bat appearance: before: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/57/5d/17/575d171efb5c21b451c270eebb008c71.jpg[/img] After: [img]http://www.pestremovalguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/bat_face1.jpg[/img] bio: Nyra grew up being a servant for the princes' families along with her mother. Love Interest: open other: We will help our masters [/hider] [hider=luclovers] Character Name: Felix age:25 personality: Dark, brooding, and in control of everything. Animal you have become: Cat [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1b/64/f4/1b64f4debec552a10fb4d73b4d46daa4.jpg[/img] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110306223209/darkerthanblack/es/images/7/74/Mao_2922.jpg[/img] bio: He was always the head butler of the house, and commanded the other servants around. He was a well composed man, with a dark soul that simply wanted to serve to pay off his debt to the parents of the Princes. Love Interest: Unknown other: We will serve our masters [/hider] [hider=@Eklispe] [b]Character Name:[/b] Rex [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Personality: [/b]Rex is a chipper fellow, always ready to tell a joke to liven up the mood or volunteer for the odd job. Sometimes he doesn't work that hard and fluffs it up but he more than makes up for it in spirit. Seems to have an inability to get flustered and is free with flattery. [b]Animal you have become: [/b]Snake [hider=Before] [img]http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1245/pirate_anime_boy_4096283.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=After] [img]http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/kids/photos/animals/Reptiles/A-G/anaconda-water.jpg.adapt.945.1.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Bio: [/b]Rex ran around doing odd jobs most of the time but he landed a job working as staff for the castle, though more often he served the role of a jester and even attended an event or two as such. That was, at least until the king and queen died. After that Rex tried to cheer the princes up and get them to open up to anyone but all his efforts were in vain. Then the curse struck. Rex was surprised, he'd thought that his animal form would be something more, well anything really. A snake? Come on! [b]Love Interest:[/b] Promisssse you won't tell? Hehe ssstill won't tell you. [b]Other: [/b][color=teal]We will help our massstersss. What? I can trail my s's if I want to![/color] [/hider]