Syral's face spread into a slight grin as Galen listed his name for the ground-team; he never did like politicians, and he especially disliked politicians who went through an ultra-violent gauntlet of combat as an adolescence ritual. Sneaking around a top-secret STG base? [i]Sounds like a challenge..[/i] Syral thought for a moment, relishing the probable lack of civilians. He was happy to be on a team with Naomi, her being the only crew-mate he'd had a casual conversation with up until this point. Everything had been very professional, surprisingly; he always thought a gig with the Spectres would be all fast ships and intimidating femme-fatales trying to seduce state secrets out of him, but apparently Blasto wasn't the most accurate of icons to model his opinion off. He'd seen every movie roughly four times. "Shame, I was looking forward to wining and dining with the humongous rage turtles" He lent back in his chair, folding his arms and cocking his head slightly, "Don't worry commander, we shall neither be seen or heard" He saw the Geth turn its head towards him and he felt an instinctive shiver; he really didn't mind the Geth, when he was in N7 he worked with a few of them guarding high-value cargo to Rannoch, but something about the flash-light eye always rubbed him the wrong way. It felt too clinical. He nodded at it with a carefully practised welcoming smile; he didn't want to make the thing feel unwanted, he found the simple politeness of the Geth quite endearing. After the meeting adjourned Syral cricked his neck, standing slowly, trying not to strain himself before the mission. "Phalanx, right? Likewise, it's been too long since I've worked with a Geth. The last one saved my life, actually" He paused, checking how long he had to prepare. "So, y'know, no pressure" He smiled, turning to Naomi. "Looks like we've got quite a team here; two lizards, a flashlight and a Russian. I'm sure I've heard a hack stand-up start a joke very similarly. I'm going to go get dangerous, I'll meet you on the transport ship" He saluted them jovially and left the room, making a mental list of the equipment he'd need. [i]Lift Grenades, thermal clips; maybe a sandwich, this mission is too important for me to go hungry[/i] It was a testament to how hilarious Syral saw himself as that he made jokes even in internal monologue.