My reason for 7 TK was to be able to counter the lightsaber duelists with better combat stats (like 7 in combat things and such), as in a sticky situation that's what she'll be using as her main weapon. But of course, I understand what you mean, looking at this from a in-universe perspective. This is reasonable. [color=2e2c2c]Also because I wanted better Telekinesis than Huleez Dryne. I wanted to at least one-up her in my specialty in a one-on-one fight. Haha.[/color] The only difference in the sheet below is that one point being moved over and "no training" is replaced with "little training". [hider=Emilliana Ireni Narive][b]Name:[/b] Emilliana Ireni Narive [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Bio:[/b] Emilliana is a human, born to a lineage of former Jedi (who broke the rules and had kids), a long time ago. They left the Jedi Order and started living as smugglers. Their travels brought them far and wide, and somehow the family was still holding up a small smugglers family-business. When Emilliana was born, it was on the temperate planet of Saleucami. Her mother took a leave of absence to raise her little daughter on the planet while her father continued the family business. While growing up, her mother distanced herself from illegal activities, taking a part-time job as a mechanic. While watching her mother act on machines and such, Emilliana often watched and was explained to how things worked. In addition, the little girl was often very eager to ride the machines, and as such often got to test-run the different things people put with them to repair, from weapons to star-ships. However, it came to pass that her mother, who wanted to distance herself from the smuggler life, seduced a rather well-off man from Nar Shaddaa on a visit, intending on vanishing for her father never to find. Not wishing this to come to pass, Emilliana sent a message to her father, whom came to get her. The man intended to collect his daughter from the woman who cheated on him, he took Emilliana and flew off in his space-ship. However, the mother told the man she had cheated with that her daughter had been kidnapped, and soon they both had bounty hunters aplenty after them. As the ship had use of two pilots, Emilliana soon got to prove to her father that she was somehow the superior pilot. They soon had a system in place where Emilliana was the pilot, and her father the combatant should they encounter something. They continued their journey as smugglers, her father dealing with the things they might run into, but on this journey her father sensed something about her. She was TOO good a pilot. Almost as if she could feel what would happen before it happened... He took a risk and flew back to Saleucami. There, he showed her for the first time the Jedi hideout which their ancestors had left behind, and the Force Sensitive girl got her hands on a few training toys and an ancient blue lightsaber. Her father explained what he could, Emilliana beside herself at this revalation. She felt the connection she had to these items, somehow. However, tragedy struck when the man from Nar Shaddaa had tracked their return to their home planet, assuming they might come back and prepared for it. Emilliana managed to predict that they'd be attacked before they were with the Force, yet even when they ran she was powerless to prevent her father's death by a bounty hunter sniper, even as she saw the shot coming. Angered at the loss, the Force came to her naturally when it was otherwise elusive. Fuelled by her emotions, Emilliana struck against the bounty hunters sent to collect her and made her way to her father's ship and piloted it alone away from their grasps. With her she had brought all the things of her Jedi ancestor. To her, the young girl with a clouded mind, it was clear what she had to do. An evil person had snagged her mother and killed her father. She was the descendant of Jedi. Alone on a ship in space, she hid under the electrical storms of the planet Jabiim while using what money she had to stay safe and practice with her Force training items. All for the purpose of one thing. One day, when she finally felt ready and her money was out, Emilliana took her ship and soared to Nar Shaddaa. Using a twisted connection to the force, she was able to force her way through the protection and killed her mother's new boyfriend, using the force to run her saber through his stomach. It felt [i]good[/i]. Her mother was appalled and ran. The security and guards were after her. However, Emilliana felt free as a bird. Simply jumping out of the window, she was able to escape her pursuers as she landed on an even lower level of Nar Shaddaa with the force to allow better landing and blend into the crowd. They never found her. Emilliana had never heard of the “Dark Side of the Force”. To her, this was like exploring into a new depth of her powers without knowing the consequences. All she knew was that it felt good and she wanted more of it. More power. Less limits. Her powers are all in flux, but her skill and perception never waned. Oh? What's that? Her perception detected a pleasant calling in the force. Here on Nar Shaddaa. There is a person, whom the Force is strong with. She should go meet him, Emilliana decided~! It could be fun if she got to tag along with him~! … And with that, the young untrained but powerful girl headed to meet the Jedi Master… [b]Personality:[/b] This girl is very friendly. She's quick to smile and chat with people around her, tries to make friends and helps people out in the most selfless of ways, it seems like. Emilliana has nothing against bragging with her powers and looks forward to showing what she can do. She likes to have fun, and if she isn't having fun she might spice things up on a whim. As long as everything goes according to her plans she'll be as happy as she can be. You might never learn her true nature. However, Emilliana’s is a twisted soul. She feels little to no pain by crushing those around her. While she is rather patient, her emotions are sensitive and opposing her causes her emotions to flare up. She feels little to no apprehension to harming or killing someone who she would benefit from doing so to. Power attracts her, excitement drives her, and she might find her heart suddenly aflutter to someone who holds both power and the promise of future excitement. She's confident in her piloting and force abilities. [b]Equipment:[/b] On her belt beneath the robes, she carries her ancestor’s blue lightsaber, which still functions. In addition, retrieved from her father's smuggler's ship was a couple (2) thermal detonators to be thrown with force abilities. She doesn't actually have the means to get more of them, but she does have the ones her dad left her. She had four, but used two during her chase after the man on Nar Shaddaa. [b]Stats and Skills[/b] [i]Dexterity:[/i] 1 No, she’s not the fastest one around. In fact, if she can, she'd probably prefer to walk into a battle. [i]Perception:[/i] 5 Emilliana's always been very perceptive with the Force, allowing her to sense her surroundings and what will happen from them. [i]Strength:[/i] 1 Lightsaber – 1 pt, 2 total. Although she has a lightsaber, she has little training using it and is rather frail. [i]Technical:[/i] 4 Piloting – 2 pts, 6 total. She’s a very skilled pilot, and a match for most. The bonus skill she seemingly gets by being Force sensitive is included. Repairs – 1 pts, 5 total. You’d be surprised about some of the things she can repair. Space-ships or other things… [i]Force:[/i] 5 Force Telekinesis – 1 pt, 6 total. Her preferred way of attacking. She may wield her sword with the force, though this does not increase her skill with it. Far Seeing – 2 pts, 7 total. Emilliana is quite efficient at using the Force to spot things that interest her on quite the distance. [/hider]