The gears in Kimberly's mind were busy at work as she diagnosed the corner ahead of her. It wasn't gravel like she expected, so she didn't get the liberties driving on dirt gave her. If it were dirt then she would've been able to breeze through it with a nice powerslide, something that Kimberly was no stranger to when it came to races. As she figured out the fastest way through the corner, she glanced in her rear-view mirror as the car slid a bit through the corner. As they exited she could hear the contact the Galant and the Escort made. Sam and Ross were in bit of a dogfight. But given the nature of the sport they were competing in right now, it was a given that these cars would be banged up. As the Fiat remade contact with gravel she felt a slight jolt as the chassis and suspension readjusted. Kimberly went down a gear to put more power to the ground and give her a little more edge. She went wide before the Devil's Elbow, preparing her car to slide around the corner like a hot knife through butter. Samantha was gaining on her, and by Kimberly's estimate she was in third or fourth place. If her little engagement with Ross was any indicator, she wasn't going to get past Kimberly cleanly with the way Kimberly drove and defended passes. She slid through the Devil's Elbow, and now was a long, long straight that would set up a one-hundred and eighty degree turn back down around. As they barreled down the straight, Kimberly went wide and it seemed like Samantha would have the same idea. Kimberly whipped it around the corner and she saw that Samantha was closing in on her car, but a bit from making contact. As the bend finished, Kimberly shifted down so that she could dart out and close out the bend, gaining some distance from Samantha and so that she wouldn't make contact. As the race progressed, Kimberly had made a mental note that it was imperative to maintain distance from Samantha while she was in the lead so she wouldn't enact her trademark method of passing. --- Ellie sat at her seat, head back against the plane as she watched the other occupants of the plane depart and do some awesome shit in the air. While Seb was goofing about in the airplane, Ellie had closed her eyes and let the adrenaline take over her thoughts. Flying through the air and feeling like she was the queen of the world. It was nice to have a moment where things were calm, just her and her thoughts. She looked at Seb as he sat down, her eyes just looking over her boyfriend. "That's what I was doing, honey." Ellie replied as she adjusted her helmet a little bit, looking outside at a part of England down below. "Whoever's in the shot is in the shot." Ellie shrugged and sighed, awaiting her arrival into the little rallycross event they had going on.