[@KatherinWinter] [Hider=The Dragonic Witch] Real Appearance: [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/a979da617097ef4c418b5f979c922ae5/http://i430.photobucket.com/albums/qq28/Photo-Girl_Cosette/Anime%20Blonde%20Hair/anime_girl_9857.jpg[/img] Real Name: Oni God/goddess appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/6e/f2/8b/6ef28b4b66f2662789b201908d055d0b.jpg[/img] God/goddess name: Mariun Parents: Hecate and a dragon Age: 16 Power: Magic Symbol: [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/98ef/i/2011/119/6/3/fourth_seal_by_idzuno-d3f7mpu.png[/img] Animal: Dragon (note: you never gave guide lines here so lol) Followers: Wizards/Alchemists Bio: Oni being the daughter of the goddess of magic Hecate, had inherited her mother's immense power. The power of magic normally casted through spells, alchemy (potion making), gestures, and enchants, sometimes with the assistance of magical items. Been given multiple books by her mother, including an ancient book she knows little about, she knows it can store any item she wishes but that's all she knows about it. She seeks to master the farthest corners of magic, and become a force even stronger than her mother, to become one strong enough to rival even the big three, being the daughter of the goddess of magic and a dragon, a creature embodiment of magic. Having inherited her mother's dislike for males she tends to punish any that would dare cross her path like they was wild animals.. much like the ones she turns them into. [/hider] Here would be my second person.. both universal type characters with their downsides as such.