[COLOR=lightblue][b][u]Energy Twinkle[/u][/b] Energy simply looked on as her friend started up his fire magic. Rhys seemed pleased that he still had his magic - didn't he notice that they had never lost it in the first place? - but Energy wasn't comforted by it. It didn't matter if they had magic or not, they were still humans. [i]Humans[/i] had magic and none of them had survived the forest that housed their dragon clan. It honestly didn't matter how strong their magic was, the animals in the forest, particularly the more ferocious ones, were averse to the magic frequency of humans and strength didn't matter when one was faced with hostility of an entire forest. No one could possibly face such adversaries without tiring out their magic energy. Plus, their inferior physical forms as humans didn't help matters. Energy, for once, was thinking about their current situation. They could fend off any offending creatures that came their way - speaking of which, she could hear plenty more snuffling around their area, having sensed their new human magic frequencies - but then they'd have to run as fast as they could out of the forest. Energy hated having to run from her own home like that but she seriously doubted that they could last any longer than the average human stranded there. "[b]Hey Rhys, do you happen to know the way outta this forest?[/b]" she asked, a hint of nervousness finding its way into her voice. Her ears were picking up the sounds of the nearing jaguar's paws crunching on the leaf litter of the forest. That was definitely not good. And by the sounds of it, it had brought its [i]mate[/i] as well. "[i]Oh, two on two, eh? Is that how it's going to be?[/i]" She took another two steps back in anticipation. Then the ground beside her shifted. A second later, Energy would swear that she had definitely not been startled by a python hidden amongst the fallen leaves and dirt. Neither had she let out a startled squeal and fallen on her butt again. Nope. If she had, it was all her human body's fault for being so scared of a [i]snake[/i]. Unfortunately, her not-surprised-tumble had only caused the two jaguars that had been stalking towards them for the past few minutes to leap onto two of the buttress roots that surrounded them, growling and snarling down at the two humans. Frantically scrambling away from the snake that had started slithering towards her, she got up yet [i]again[/i] (seriously, she had to stop falling around like that) and hurriedly walked over to Rhys' side, scroll still in hand. She was actually beginning to doubt her maybe unwise choice in pilfering the spell scroll from her parents' cave. Being a dragon certainly helped a lot more in this kind of situation. As for the jaguars, the light and heat from Rhys' flames only served to aggravate them further. They snapped their jaws, hackles rising. They didn't like the magic frequency coming from these humans. Just like all the other humans, they did nothing but intrude into their territory. They were nothing more than pests with a little bit of magic. "[b]So, got a plan?[/b]"[/COLOR]