[@Minimum][@TheUnknowable] Got a GM ruling regarding events in the collab. It was suggested that one cannot put their blaster through the droideka's shield, and whether you can or not it was asked exactly how we would roll in this situation. Here is a quote of my ruling, I wanted to bring it here so anyone might argue with or against it. [quote]I'm ruling in favor of Min here. I agree that the show made mistakes, but it [i]is[/i] canon, and is therefore a valid source of precedence for universe mechanics. I will, however, take a closer look into other canon sources of info, see if I can find more about how they work to give a better ruling. Now, about the roll. I think for this move, we need to roll Kilgaris's plain Dex stat against the droid's blaster skill. [i]Because[/i] it's a point blank shot, the question here isn't whether he hits the target, it's whether he can get into the shield to take the shot without getting hit himself. [/quote]