I've posted my character. I'm ready to get going~ I'll assume this Nar Shaddaa collab takes place, like, before everything else, since as far as I know David is also on Korriban along with the rest, just hiding in the ship. I didn't really understand how that is going to fit into what the rest is doing, but I was suggested to join in there, so suppose I will~ I kind of imagined that when David comes back to whatever ship he used to get there he'd find Emilliana inspecting the hull or maybe downright somehow gotten into the ship and looking over the controls, because she's playful like that. Unless there was, like, someone else onboard then maybe she shouldn't do that. Teh-heh. That she, like, followed her Far Sight sense after feeling that there was someone strong with the force at that location, but when she got there he had gone to do whatever he wanted to do on Nar Shaddaa, and she just decided to "I'll wait here for him, then!". It'll mean that I'll have to wait until he has finished talking to Nira but that's fine with me. Haha.