I was thinking that yeah, by this point, and from the books, that would be around the case for money- The Reach has become a trading and agricultural power, and that doesn't really wane, though since winter is coming, that is going to be something very seasonal indeed. I would think the Tyrells would match the Crakehalls in money- they've had it so good for so long, while the Crakehalls have had to take what the Lannisters had and add to it what they could. It's difficult to tell, but genuinely, a lack of money is not what the Tyrells are especially concerned about. The Stormlands are a key ally for whomever- considering Lady Baratheon has had her head taken, I can only feel that whoever is playing that family is going to be pretty pissed at the Targs. That family would be weakened, I could imagine- going from a legitamised bastard back to strength would be difficult, but they will still have a disproportionate significance in the wars to come. Let's not forget that the last time that The Reach and The Stormlands ever were in a war, they had besieged Storm's End and fucked over Robert's heartland. Manpower wise, The Reach might be massive for that, and it can surely sustain itself, it's like the USSR of the Seven Kingdoms *imagines Garland waving sickle*, but it's a mixed bag within that. Most of those soldiers aren't great, some, such as those of House Tarly, are still very up to scratch. It really is luck of the draw, but as I have said, it would take a coalition to stop a Reach army- that, or dragonfire. If the Targs use them, on an open field, that numerical advantage is non-existent. It's like Economic Geography all over again. Wow.