I'm writing in The ic as we speak, however as this is a little bit after I feel the letter Tyget sent to every major lord in the land should be known... so uh... here it is [hider=Tyget Crakehall, Lord of the seven kingdoms] [i]Lords of the seven kingdoms I, Lord Tyget Crakehall, Warden of the west and head of House Crakehall, hereby claim the Iron throne as mine by blood. With the death of Aegon X and his heir apparent's disownment, I am heir to the throne by my great uncles wife, Alyssa Targaryen, as he sired no heirs. I hereby declare myself King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the first men, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm. I denounce any and all other claimants as traitors and usurpers, and call all those loyal to the true heir to rally to my side and bend the knee. I will root out the false heir Daenys Targaryen and sit upon the Iron throne. King Tyget Crakehall, Lord of the seven kingdoms[/i] [/hider]