[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/MSMARV_zpso398jjgy.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Carol Danvers[/b][/center] Carol had never heard someone else’s voice inside her head before. Even if the voice itself was calming and tried to establish that the mutant understood what she was going through and could help if necessary, the act of invading someone’s mind was at the very least a little disconcerting. This redhead did not seem too threatening, but what would stop her, or anyone else with similar powers, from pushing a thought into Carol’s mind or convince her to do something? Carol did in fact have potentially destructive powers of her own, but nothing could stack up to the power of violating an individual’s free will. Meanwhile, Unus, with his impenetrable shield, gathered around Mastermind and the knocked down Blob. Once the three mutants were inside the protective encasing of Unus’ powers, nothing could harm them. Not even the psychic abilities of Jean Grey. Therefore, the three mutants held out within this defensive bubble until Vanisher reappeared in order to carry the remaining Brotherhood members away to safety. After the departure of the remainder of the Brotherhood of Mutants, another one of the X-Men decided to chime in about Carol accidently sending a blast of energy in Jean Grey’s direction. In fact, it was one of the X-Men that she had not even noticed was there until that moment. However, his cursing was not the worse part about him flipping out. Normally, when one would jab a [i]man[/i] with one’s finger, one would normally strike that man’s chest. However, if it were a woman instead of a man, the anatomic differences between the sexes would make the situation a little bit more awkward, as it was now for Carol. If Storm and Beast had not intervened in the nick of time, impelling the speedster to a half-assed apology (better than nothing), Carol would have slapped the man so hard (assuming she could hit him) that even his superhuman speed would have trouble canceling out the velocity at which she had sent him flying. Now that the Brotherhood was defeated and all the civilians saved, the four X-Men began to depart in the Blackbird. As the Blackbird flew away southward back towards New York State, Carol looked down at the small business card that Jean Grey had telekinetically given to her a few moments ago. On the card it read: “Xavier Institute of Higher Learning”. Assuming from what Jean said about how they help people like her and from the rumors that these X-Men are mutants, Caroled decided that somehow this school must be helping out mutants on the side while still fulfilling its academic duties. But a different thought entered into Carol’s mind. Was she herself a mutant? She does have powers, but Carol had never head of a mutant that could fluctuate between two set ages. However, never seeing this power does not mean it does not exist. Just as never seeing a million dollars before also does not make that amount of money fictional. But what would her father think about his daughter potentially being a mutant? He already was resentful that she survived the car crash and her brother Steven didn’t. Since she did not want to allow one of her parents to accidently stumble upon this card, revealing the possibility that she was a mutant, assuming they could make the connection between the school and mutants, Carol tried to activate her powers in the palm of her hand, this time attempting to localize the affect. Once her powers fired up, the card was incinerated. Once the only evidence that could suggest that she might possibly be a mutant was destroyed, there was no longer any reason for Carol to stick around. While she knew that she had the ability to fly, particularly from the event where she caught that falling plane, Carol nevertheless has never consciously flown, or at least from what she could remember. “How hard could it be?” Carol thought to herself as she looked up towards the stars. Right when she began to think about flying, the yellow aura reappeared around her body. With one leap off the ground, Carol soared up into the sky. At first, it seemed pretty easy to her. All she needed to do was aim both of her arms in the direction towards which she wanted to fly. However, Carol realized how fast she ascended into the sky until she realized that she had broken the atmosphere and therefore was now hovering in space. Since it was the natural reaction to the situation, Carol threw her hands around her through, momentarily believing that she could not believe because space was a vacuum and did not have any oxygen and the other trace elements necessary for human respiration. However, after a few seconds, she realized that she was not suffocating for some strange reason. Her yellow aura was shining even brighter now. Was it the reason why Carol was able to endure the vacuum of space, along with its subzero temperature. Once Carol had gotten over the shock of her ability to survive in space, she finally beheld the majesty of the view that lay before her. The moon sluggishly rolled past her. The surface of the moon that was facing her reflected the rays of light of the sun that the earth itself was not blocking. Behind the moon were the stars that filled the black void of space. Around any urban area, most of the stars remain invisible to the naked eye. However, up in the space, Carol could see the light of countless stars shine. She could even barely make out Mars and Jupiter, although they seemed more like stars from this distance. When she had finished gazing at the stars and the other celestial bodies, Carol turned her focus back to earth. Everything looked so small from up in space. Even Massachusetts appeared to be a small protrusion on the North American continent, let alone the city of Boston. It almost felt the same as when someone looks out of an airplane window and sees that the buildings and cars almost appear as if they were miniature toys. “Well, looks like getting back home will be quite [i]interesting[/i].