[color=yellow][h1]Freya[/h1][/color] It was [i][i]so[/i][/i] cold. Freya jogged towards the inn, which was already giving off wonderful aromas of food. She quickly walked inside, smiling as soon as she saw the nice, homey place. She felt the warmth on her face and instantly felt comfortable. She kindly asked someone for the strongest drink they sell. When she got her drink, She looked around at the other people in the room while taking long, slow sips. Everyone looked fairly nice, but she would need more to drink if she were going to have to start a conversation with someone herself. She eyed the food, making a promise to herself that she would eat in a little bit. She looked down at her cup; already empty. She sighed, wishing she had remembered to bring her flask, but she figured that it would have been rude anyways. She raised her hand to signal for a refill, but she was patient in waiting for one. She didn't want to bother anyone too much since it was such a busy night. As soon as her drink was refilled, she decided that she wouldn’t meet anyone by sitting alone and drinking. She noticed an open chair at a table in front of someone. He had short, messy black hair. Open seats were starting to get low, and as nervous as she was to start a conversation, she decided to approach the table anyways. She smiled sweetly at the person across from the empty chair. [color=yellow]”Is this seat taken?’[/color]