[color=fff200]"Oh hell sorry man! I was just stirring some stuff up around the dorm trying to get things a bit more lively."[/color] Ben said after an awkward moment of being on top of another guy from another dorm. Hopefully he didn't get in trouble for this...if he did he would tell the truth. No point in lying about this. Still it'd be a shame of his silly string bottle got confiscated. Ben realized he had yet to get off the boy and then pulled himself up and offered the dude his hand. [color=fff200]"Hey there big guy. You're...Vincent...No sorry Zach was your name if I remember right. Sure you already know who I am but in case you don't my name's Ben. Ben Carson."[/color] Ben said as he suddenly realized he was also wet. Oh lovely...he not only knocked the kid over but he made him spill his water and he probably was eating something too so he may have dropped his only sandwich. [color=fff200]"I apologize 'bout the water boss. I wasn't looking and I wasn't expecting a light dormer. Need a towel or something I'll go get one."[/color] Ben said as he put a hand on the back of his head.