So, I had an idea, it's really just a thought at this point and I want to see what you guys think of it. What if each main island in this world had a [s]large[/s] [b]massive[/b] being (think shadow of the colossus type monsters but bigger) which, if killed, causes all the plant life on that island to rot and die, essentially destroying the ecosystem on that island. Bigger islands would have a larger 'guardian' and most would be peaceful unless directly attacked or if the environment was being damaged some how. Natives to each area could treat them as gods of the land. Festivals would be held to honor them in some areas, wheres in other areas they could be seen as a threat that needs to be contained somehow. [hider=size chart] [img][/img] Think of them as being around the scale of the last 3 monsters on this chart [/hider] (A lot of that came to me while typing.)